Page 35 - Registre des cimetières de Gatineau-Hull - 1984
P. 35

Hannah G.                                        Mother
                         Died Oct 20, 1902                                Father
                        Aged 24 yrs
                         Hrigh D.                                         We will meet again
                         Died Sept 19. 1900                               nrected by his friends
                         Aged 19-yrs.                                     in Pontiac
                         &gnese D.  BB                                    James Wilkie YcFarlane
                         Died iiar  11, 1968                              Lote Mitor of Pontiac News
                         Aged 83 yrs                                      Died July 5, 1883
                         McCRnDIE                                         Aged 23 years k  11 months
                         David McCredie 1889-19                           Archibald HacFarlane
                         His wife
                         Gladys Graham 1894-19                            1853 - 1933
                         Brian McCredie 1941-1964                         Jean E.G.  lacJanet
                                                                          Hia wife 1849-1929
                  500.  GRANT
                         In loving memory of
                         James Edgar Grant
                         Born Merch 15, 1884
                         Died July 11, 1923                               MacFARLUfE
                         His wife                                         Dr.  David A.  ïüacFarlane
                         Verna M.  McCredie                               1885 - 1963
                         1891 - 1941
                                                                          His wif e
                  501. BALJANTYNE/BA~~YHE                                 Alice Mary Wheeldon
                         In loving memory of                              1893 - 1963
                         Perag A.  Ballpntyne                              (on gate of encloeure)
                         1891 - 1966
                         Beloved husband of                               P.A.  Cruickskank
                                                                          Percy 1900
                         lüary A.  Gordon
                         1898 - 1973                                      BARNETT
                         "Peacefully sleepingœ
                                                                          Henry S.  Bamett 1871-1934
                  502.  Father
                                                                   517. William H.  Barnett
                  503. Mother                                             1897 - 1944
                  504.  In loving memory of                        518. Elisabeth S.  McCredie
                         James C.  Gordon                                  1873 - 1951
                         1868 - 1931                               519. Edna E.  Illcifnight 1899-1963
                                                                   520.  In memory of
                  505. In memory of                                       Ann Hyslop wife of
                         Brenda aged 5 weeks                              David Ballantyne died 1905
                         Daughter of Mr.  &                               Agnes Ballantyne wife of
                         S. Gordon Ballantyne
                                                                          George HcKenny died 1905
                  506. In loving memory of                                BALLAWYNE
                         Robert Affleck MacFarlane                        George H.  McKenny
                         1834 - 1900                                      Born Nov 29, 1872
                         H~É wife-~lizabeth Wilkie                        Died Aug 17, 1959
                         1837 - 1916                               21. SLY
                         James Wilkie 1859-1883                           Archie Sly 1870-1945
                         Janet Thompson 1863-1867                          His wife
                         Robert Rolland 1866-1867                         Amie McNeil 1869-1960
                         Vida ùiargaret 1871-188  z                       At rest
                         Robert Lawrence 1868-1 26

                         John 1875-1875                            522. Mother
                                                                    523. Father
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