Page 9 - index
P. 9
25. (cross) ACUND,/(~ beaut if ully- 31 QRMOND* In Loving Memory of Albe-
carved coat of arms. Dexter: rt Drmond 1864- . His wife
Cheguy ar. and sa. a fesse S. Sarah Baillie ~$68-1943. John .
Sin~siterc .thrse demi-lioi~s couped James 1899-1918+ Lawrence A, 1'901-
-at the waist, Crest: A manq s 1923, (Albert Omond was son of
hand cauped at the wryst in a Robt . 0rmond and Sm'& dau ,. %.of
glove lying fesseways thereon Albert Kidder,. his wife, Sarah
a falcon perched, Mottoi Baillie was a dau.of "Sqcire" Jas.
Tnebranlable . Apart from the ~aillle, i
thrse lions the arms are those
af Acland of Colomh John and 32. ~sléep in Jesus. James Find1,ay
Killerton, Devonshire, Bart, DIED FebF9,19ïl Aged 59 Yrs. Not
Details of blanon and colouring lust bu-& gone before. Ris wif e
taken from "Burke's General ' M~rkaJaneDav,i~DIEDJan,ZS,1925
Arrnory" 1884, 1 ACUND, To -khe Aged 72 .yrs, FfNDLAY. (James
constant rnemory of i%hel Morrish Findlzy wns son of John & arth ha).
Dear wife of Eric Acland A Nuch
koved mother, Who, tcgether, 33 , (~e;.lde $32) ?INDTJ.AY; Richard
spent mernorable hours in this Eddie :890-1?67. Xi, wifé Elsie
lovely countrys ide, October 9: dnnie Snyth 19CO-1968,
1962. **I will Iift up mine eyes
unto the hillsa From whence ~4. (~lajila iesf) C32788 Sergearit-
corneth my he1ppa1 Hfll3;n C ZL~:lSi R-C .O.Ca 6% AU^,
1943 (sri~ss
26, LUSR. WLlliarn TJusk DIED Octh24,
1905 Aged 80 Yrx. (4th son of 35. [ #3Q! In Lovire iilemory- of
Joseph Sr, and Esther Bnï!ncr, (spz-ce; Sarl Smg-Yn 1934-1946, a
His wife was Jme Flnlqy. Wm.LusB SP.!Lr23,
lived on tbe 6th Range, )
36. HEr"3ERINGTOPI. Fnther Joseph Sr. '
27. In Lovfrig Memory of R* Emmaiiuel lazq-.' -,& A9252 1daf:her Anrie Davis
R. Faris BeZoved husband of Kath- 1.256-19C.i- Mary Jane .1881-1892.
erine Jane Smythe Born ~eb426, Ed~mrd Zmeo 109?.-1895. Gladys
1872 Died ~ug. 30,1940. 1871 Wife 4:ima 1$O0.-1900. Josep:~ Richard Jr.
1953. Foster Emanuel Zaris Born 7891.. .: ,( ./& -;; n?rington, (~o~eph
Jan,l8,1906-~ied A?ril 29,1962, ?::, vVaa ac?;uwll.:,r :o~qth 111, son
His wife Roberta Paleen McCord - 02 Jaeewb .He%bering-ünr,-and LUCY
Born Sept.2lf1706-~iod fiprj!. 28, MnedXc+,;. AEiie rf:s d~r.6-f Richard
1974. FARIS. (Rr.St,Ern~nuel Faris Davis ~nd-~nri ~im~psoa~)
son of Robt.& Ele~nor {~admo~e).
His wife was a dau, of J~S, WiTlix.1 IkliTjr F2l-i~ 1;.84O--l910.
His rriifs S.a.h Am Fo~rell 18Lb9-
28. (with #27) Foster. 1923. FAEISr <lb/.H,w~,s son of Max-
well F%*~E, 14wrj-e3 17 bug, 1871 *
29, James Morrison Born Scotland Wif e prao. the dau, of Eichard Powell
as born s.l85?. .
April 23, 1880 DTED June 25# 1897* ~3d kbicni.J- Mao:-o ,~iveiz Ln c4nsil.s
30, BRECKENRIDGE. In Memory of IdVI
1853-1930. His wlfe Mary Am 383 In Lori= Merno:;. of E?.canor ai...
Payne 1864-1943, John Edward mol-e Wif's'of Roher";aris Bo~n ~ug,
Died April 15, 1958. (~evi wns 24, 28439 Gled PioT.,12, 1919, R08EïiT
a son of Andrew Breckenradge . FA915 B~rn IiIar.26,1837; ~ied' JU:~
and Mary Moere. Andrew was son 1, 1$22:> Josopn B. Fzris 1881-1950.
of ~ugh Brecl~amidge, and Mary . . L~ltrkd o '32~-i ?.385-!953, Amie
was sister of Joseph M~olVon E .Faris ' :?78-?,953,, Fzmy Taris
Moore, stone #4) . 1874-i9111~ iRobt,iEsixwzl_Z Fais,
eldas:; nox O? 1'JI;1xwe73. FsrS.s.-.cont d ,