Page 8 - index
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cont 'd, --Moore.      Olive was  dnu. of           (contldl Paris  a native  of Kildony
            Roger  Moore and Sarah  Hicks.                     co.Cavan  Ireland  who  N.YeC?l-Ly
            Rager  was  a son  of Dudley  M~o~er  and  his wlfe Elizabe-Gh  Mm~ell who
            Sr. )                                              md,  secondly Hy.Hurdman  Sr.  in New
                                                               York  and  came  to Hull In 1820.
         16,  (carving of rose)  LILA DIED  15                 Elizabeth Mexwell Faris Hurdman  is
             Aug.  1880 Aged 7 Mas.&  15 Dys.                  burled  in Bellevue  Csm.  as  are
             SARAH Mm Died  23 March 1882 Aged                 Jane Os  parents  Francis  Maxwell &
             5  Mos.  &  16 Dys.  Children  of                 Helen  Bouroughs.  Isac Luslr  was a
             Robert  &  Susan  Breckenridge.                   son  qf Joseph  Srn Re was  a rnayor
              (chipped)----HT  OTTAWA.  (~obt.                 a£  Eardley  and  died  on the  fam
                                                               also rnayor  of Eardley 1 .
             Breckenridge  was  son of  Hugh                   where  he was  born,  J.F.Luak  wzs
             Breckenridge  and Jane Ferguson
             who went to Hull from Scotland,
             Susm  was  Susan  Elizabeth  Bebee  20.  RESIDE.  Arnold  ~894-1967, His
             dau,  of  Steadrnan.  Lila or Leila               Beloved  Wife Laura Faris  1895-
             was  a twin of  Heila,  born  2  Jan,             1965. L.Elizabeth  1926-  . Wi-l;ii
             1880).                                            Christ,  Which  1s Far Be-i;3er.
                                                                (Mrs.  Reside  was  u dzu.of  Robert
         17.  In Memory of Steadman  Bebee                     Emanuel Faris  2nd  Catherine  Smyth,
             DTED          3RD  1857  Aged  69  ~rs.1  The daughter  Bet:y  5s  u  miz?sZonsry
             BEBEE.,&O~~C~ Steadman  son of                    in ~enya}.
             William H.  &  Eleanor  Bebee  DI.ED
             Jan.20,1888  Aged  4  Yrs.  9  Mos.  21, POWELL.  In Lov3ng Me~ory of  YZch-
             (Steadman Bebee  b. DometlVt.Dec,                 ard Powell  DIEq  Mzrch  31,108',
             18,1790 sr. of Elihu Bebee  and                   Aged 88  Yrs.  (~rroï- TF-; 68?:{$  a
             Sarah  Fox.  Md.Elisabeth  Hurctman.              Abigal  Moore Wifc  oL'  Ri.chard  Poan 2.
             ELeanor absve  was  Eleanor Jane                  DIED-Mwch 2,  2903  Ac2d  71 yru*
             Pink,  dau.of  Samuel  Pinls  and                 {Richard  Powell "O"  N.?pe-.nw krLd
             Elizabeth ~ewi'tt of ~ull)                        Abigail  Moore,  daii,of  ?-~ciL:;;       ~:n,
                                                               were married  a* St, JLZ .:iull.  ilfo--,
         18, In Memory  of  William Joseph                     1,1849).
             Lusk  Died  March  21,  1930 Aged  83
             Years.  And his  wife Sarah E.                22, Edward  Inkerman  :a';  7-.1.7 19.  :?.i?.S.  i-
             Bebee  Died  May 19, 1931 Aged 79                 am John 1881-1881, i=I-ii16i-~.i? O?'  RR.
             Years.  Eva  M. Breclrenridge  1885-              &  M.  Brady,
             1971. LUSK.  (Wm.3, was  eldest
             son  of  Joseph  Luslr  Jr, Sarah             23.  Ln Loving Iclernozy  02'  f'stthcr  Find-
             Emily Bebee  vras  dau. of Steadman,              lay  wife  of  Jzmes Eirad:~ D5-ed  27
             kra is  thekr  nbce,  dau.of  Robt.               Feb. 1881. J~h_.i Fi..ridLa.y  Dfed  22  Dec,
             B~~ckenridge and  Susan  Bebee.)                  1869.  His wife Marcha  Pindlay  Died
                                                               23  Sept.;899,  Iszaz Flndlay  nied
         19.  In Loving Memory  of  Elizabeth                  29  May  1885.  BRADY.,  (in absence          -.
             Ann  Faris  wire  of  Isaac  Lusk                 of -es      crinno-k  bs  ~tlrî- but;  1 tl;'.
             Born  ~ecember 20,  1833, Died  June  they  are tTohfl Fin1.q~ b,lre.c1524
             17* 1910.. ISAAC LUSK  Born May                   and  wife Ma~tha c.i8'1.        31:d   dzu.
             26,  1837  Die?  May  21, 1928.                   Esther  b,L,C,ci85~-?ee 1841  crnsu$
             Joseph Faris Zusk  Jan. 16,1875-
             Nov.7.1955.  ~~sL/~inston Baur-  24.  {two  Stones  on r.  cornnioc  baan
             oughs  son  of S.F.&  B*A.LUS~S E           Q    ~ bearing  the wor6                  ~vj.fn a
             0ct,6,1go4 Died  0ct.6,1918.                      vase  for flowers  tiz 3eGvnen)  3cp.r
             Bertha  ALice  Robinson  BeLoved                  Father  ISAAC  K. :i0611-:?2.13,      CF,- :$
             wife of  Joseph  F.Lusk  Born Feb.2,              is my hope.              if1ot;-r;:,   Jalle
             1874 Died  N0v.18~1933. (Elizabeth  1867-1942.  ncieep  in d*enus,
             Faris was  eldest  child  of  Max-                                ----      --- - * - --_ _.--
             well  Faris  and  Jane  Maxwell.                *inf. Ilon  R,  SecGe,  Reg~na, Szck.              *
             Maxwell was  son  of Robt.  (contrd)
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