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             1.    GUNN  -  John  GUNN,  1843-1913.  (r-1)         7.    GUNN  -  Elsie M.  TURNEY,

                   His wife,  Isabella MOTT,  1848-                      Beloved  wife  of Orvell  GUNN.
                                                                   8.    TURNEY  -  Eddie TURNEY,  1889-1937
                   Walter  GUNN,  1891-1959.  (r-2)
                                                                         His  beloved wife,  Ella TITLEY,
                   Margaret  GUNN , 1883-1 972,     (r-3)                1898 -  1940.
                   wife  of John  SCHRUYER,  1871-1943.
                                                                   9.    McCULLOUGH  -  Wil bert  O.
                   Alexander  GUNN.  1793-1867.  (r-4)                   McCULLOUGH,  1909  -  1972.

                   Husband  of Jane  PATRICK,  1820-                     His  beloved wife,  Doris  L.  GAGNE.
                   1862.  Natives  of Mopayshire
                   Scotland.  (r-5)                                10.  TITLEY  - Albert  John  TITLEY,
                                                                         1889  -  1931.
                   Their  sons  and  daughters,
                                                                         Ada  Alice,  1895 -  1959.
                   William GUNN,  Alexander  GUNN,
                   Margaret GUNN,  wife  of Robert                 11.  MORROW  -  Thomas  MORROW,  Jan.  8,
                   CALDER,  Mary  GLINN,  Jessie  GUNN,                  1888  -  AU^.  10,  1952.
                   Annie  GUNN.  (r-6)
                                                                         His wife,  Catherine  Alice
                   Donated  by Orval  and  Muriel                        MURDOCH,  Oct.  21,  1890 -  July  3,
             2.    MOORE  -  Irene MOORE  McDOUGALL,
                   1907-1950.                                      12.  MORROW  -  Charlotte Manson,l919  -
                   John  MOORE,  1885-1978.
                                                                         Frances  Mary,  1924 -
                   Victor  MOORE,  1916-1973.
                                                                   13.  OIXON  -  David  DIXON,  died  Jan.  16
             3.    SCUDAMORE  -  Geoffrey  SCUDAMORE,                    1937,  age  68  yrs.
                   Sept.  16,  1899  -  June  11,  1966.
                                                                         And  his wife,  Anna  Margaret
             4.    BRADY  -  William  Homer  BRADY,  June                MAHON,  born MaylO,  1872,  died
                   30,  1891  -  Sept.  6,  1965.                        Apr.  11,  1948.

                   His wife,  Margaret  Manson                     14.  SHOVER  -  Ellen SHOVER,  died July
                   MURDOCH,  Dec.  30,  1888  -  July  6,                12,  1923,  age  28  years.
                                                                   15.  HADLEY  -  Katie THOMPSON,  wife  of
             5.    TITLEY  -  Louise  TITLEY,  1887  -                   William  G.  HADLEY,  born  in
                   1965.                                                 Glasgow  May  23rd,  1866,  died  at
                                                                         Dalesville Aug.  4th,  1918.
             6.    TITLEY  -  John  TITLEY,  1855-1943.
                                                                   16.   KENNEDY  - Arthur  KENNEDY  died  Feb.
                   And  his wife  Margaret  BURK,  1859-                 17,  1909,  aged  51  yrs.  &  4  mos.
                                                                        And  his wife,  Sarah  MASON,  died
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