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44. WELBURN - Percy WELBURN, 1909 - Antrim Ireland
Mary COLE, 1908 - 1967. Mary Jean, infant daughter of D. &
45. CRUISE - Peter CRUISE, died Dec.
27, 1907, aged 78 yrs. 51. ROBINSON - Margaret, 1918 - 1958.
Margaret NEIL, his wife, died May 52. MORRISON - David MORRISON. native
8, 1892, 48 yrs. of Clackenanmunshire Scotland,
aged 61 yrs.
John CRUISE, (small stone broken
in two, leaning on stone 45.) Also his daughter, Jean, born in
St.Eustache Que. July 17, 1842,
46. STEWART - John STEWART, Apr. 2, died in Chatham, Oct. 21, 1865.
1828 - May 10, 1922.
53. CARPENTER - Cecil Frederick
His wife, Elizabeth McLEOD, Oct. CARPENTER, 1914 - 1979.
5, 1849 - AU^. 31, 1924.
His beloved wife, Myrtle Emna
William J. STEWART, 1874 - 1949. TOMALTY , 1922 -
Gordon S. STEWART, 1882 - 1953. 54. MacGIBBON - Peter MacGIBBON, born
July 30, 1824, died Sept. 17, 1899.
Phoebe Ann, 1872 - 1962.
Also his wife, Annie FULTON, born
47. MADE - Alice Anna BRADLEY, wife Mar. 29, 1830, died Feb. 16, 1920.
of Chas. Leanord WADE, died May
4, 1909, aged 31 yrs., 7 mos. & Dbugall MacGIBBON, Sept. 20, 1858,
2 days. Nov. 5, 1929.
48. McFARLANE - Elizabeth McFARLANE, 55. McGIBBON - Duncan McGIBBON, born
wife of Charles H. WADE, died July 8, 1856, died July 26, 1936.
Sept. 10, 1899, in her 51st yr.
His wife, Maria CLARKE, born June
Charles H. WACE, died Sept. 21, 12, 1863, died Dec. 19, 1928.
1912, in his 68th year.
Duncan George Arthur, eldest son
Archibald McFARLANE, died Apr. 16, of Duncan & Maria, born Sept. 7,
1887. 1890, died July 20, 1891.
49. GRAVES - Alfred GRAVES, 1885-1964. 56. McGIBBON - Everett J.H. McGIBBON,
Nov. 13, 1891 - Feb. 14, 1964.
His beloved wife, Margaret J.
BIGELOW, 1880 - 1966. 57. STEWART - John STEWART, 1800-1882.
50. DALE - Daniel DALE, born July 27, His wife, Catherine McARTHUR, 1802
1785, died June 8, 1865, at St.- 1879.
Andrews Quebec.
Their sons
Also his wife, Martha LOUGH, born
1788, died Sept. 5, 1871, at St.- Daniel, 1837 - 1867. (r-15)
Andrews Quebec.
Peter, 18-- - 1896.
Both natives of Milton Head, Co.