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His wife,  Catherine  McARTHUR,                150.  KENNEDY  -  Robert  A.  KENNEDY,  1887-
                   died  Nove.  8,  1895,  aged  76  yrs.                1941 .

                   Natives  of Perthshire Scotland.                     M.  Lynda  KENNEDY,  1894  -

            144.  McGIBBON  -  Wm  Daniel  McGIBBON,              151.  WHITE  -  Patrick A.  WHITE,  1898  -
                   born  Dalesville Que.,  Feb.  15,                     1975.
                   1852,  died Mar.  12,  1896,  A.E.
                   44  yrs.  and  26  days.                      152.  GILMOLIR  -  Robert  GILMOUR,  died
                                                                         Nov.  9,  1910,  A.E.  28  yrs.  6
                   Also  his wife,  Mary  LOTHIAN,  born                months  and  15  days.
                   Dalesville Jan.  9,  1858,  died
                   Mer.  7,  1896,  aged  38  yrs.  and           153.   MacQUAIQ -  Guthbert  Neil  MacQUAIQ,
                   2  months.                                            beloved  husband  of Tina  GORDON,
                                                                         died Oct.  22,  1933,  aged  25  yrs.
            145.  KING  -  Mary  May  McGIBBON,  wife  of                &  3  months.
                   Charles  KING,  died Sept.  3,  1910,
                   aged  25  yrs.  &  3  mos.                    154.  MacQUAIQ -  Peter A.  MacQUAIQ,
                                                                         1875  -  1948.
            146.  McGIBBON  -  Mary Alice  McGIBBON,
                   July  17,  1891  - Aug.  13,  1977.                   Beloved  husband  of Nora  Baring
                                                                         TAYLER,  1879  -  1967.
                   Catherine Steward  McGIBBON,
                   May  3,  1896 -                               155.  MORROW  -  William  J.  MORROW,  1879  -
            147.  McGIBBON  -  Archibald  D.  McGIBBON,
                   son  of Finley McGIBBON,  and  his                   Also  his wives
                   wife Catherine  McARTHUR,  and
                   beloved husband  of Margaret                          Sarah  E.  MARTIN,  1881  -  1930.
                   MASON,  born April  25,  1860,  died
                   June  30,  1948.                                      Rebecca  A.  GRAHAM,  1878 -  1957

                   Margaret MASON,  beloved wife of              156.  MacARTHUR  -  Robert  S.  MacARTHUR,
                   Archibald  McGIBBON,  died  Oct.  27,                 1871 -  1954.
                   1930.  Daughter  of Robert MASON
                   and  his wife Jane  VART.                            And  his wife----
                   Maggie  Elizabeth McGIBBON,                   157.  JACKSON-  Elsie M.  CLARK,  1902  -
                   daughter  of Archibald  McGIBBON,                     1969.
                   and  his wife Margaret  MASON,  and
                   wife  of Stanley  T.  BURROWS,  born                  Husband,  Roy  D.  JACKSON,  1904  -
                   Dec.  26,  1898,  died Mar.  22,  1951
                                                                 158.  CLARK  -  George  A.  CLARK,  1870 -
            148.   DIXON  -  Godfrey  DIXON,  1879  -1956                1951.

                   His  wife,  Jane  ARNOLD,  1881  -1977               His wives

            149.  McGIBBON -  George  Grant McGIBBON,                   Jennie  M.  McKENZIE,  1877  -  1907.
                   April  11,  1905.
                                                                        Jessie  W.  McKENZIE,  1887  -  1925.
                   His wife,  Ethel  Margaret  DIXON,
                   Nov.  11,  1908.                                     Their  dau.,  Mary  M.,  1917  -  1929.

                                                                        Their  son,  Donald  K.,  killed in
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