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His beloved wife, Katherine L. 138. MOORE - William J. MOORE, died
MacKENZIE, died Apr. 7, 1967, April 14, 1900, aged 46 yrs.
aged 88 yrs.
Also his wife, Jessie MOTT, died
131. MURDOCH - Florence. died May 17, April 24, 1926, aged 71 yrs.
1907, aged 27 yrs.
Their children,
Daughter of George and Betsey
MURDOCH. Mary, died June 26, 1900, aged 19
years & 2 months.
132. MURDOCH - William Edward, infant
son of George and Betsey MURDOCH Richard,aged 7 yrs.
died Sept. 11, 1889, age 4 mos.
2 weeks. Nonnan, aged 5 yrs.
133. MASON - William F. MASON, born 139. McQUAIQ - Margaret CALDER,
July 29, 1911, died June 11, 1931 beloved wife of Neil McQUAIQ,
born Sept. 5, 1840, died May 18,
Youngest son of John & Clara 1918.
Neil McQUAIQ, born Mar. 8, 1844,
134. MASON - Robert MASON, died May 21 died April 3, 1930.
1892, aged 66 yrs.
Native of Falkirk, Scotland.
And his wife, Jane VART, died
Dec. 23, 1896, age 62 yrs. 3 140. MOTT - John Edward MOTT, died
months and 10 days. Sept. 17, 1949, in his 76th year.
John MASON, 1873 - 1955. 141. MOTT - William MOTT, born Nov. 20,
1801, died Nove. 28, 1865.
Wife, Clara Ida WARWICK, 1875 -
1956. Native of Essex England.
135. GRAHAM - William GRAHAM, Oct. 22, His wife, Margaret GILMOUR, born
1875 - June 4, 1963. Nov. 23, 1820, died Oct. 6, 1898
And his wife, Agnes K. KILGOUR, Native of Glasgow, Scotland.
June 7, 1885 - May 11, 1960.
Joseph MOTT, born Mt. Maple Que. ,
136. BILLINGHAM - Pte. Arthur W. June 1, 1846, died April 5, 1914.
BILLINGHAM, 1882 - 1971.
Elizabeth MOTT, died Apr. 22, 1945
24th Battn. C.E.F. in her 87th year.
137. GAUDRY - Clara Florence LYON, 142. DIXON - Clarence Edward DIXON,
1895 - 1970. 1906 -
Wife of Victor D.Y. GAUDRY, His wife, Ada Lillian MURDOCH,
1894 -1970. 1910 - 1969.
And rnother of Frederick, Winona, 143. McGIBBON - Finley McGIBBON, born
& Margaret. Aug. 15, 1815, died at Lachute
Nov. 20, 1895.