Page 96 - My FlipBook
P. 96
The Heraldic Panther resembles
the natural panther but has flames
issuing from his mouth and ears.
The Heraldic Sea-Lion is a lion
terminating in a fishes tail. It must
not be confused with the natural
sea-lion wliich also appears as a
The Carnelopard, believed by
early Heralds to have been a cross
between the came1 and leopard, is
in fact a normal giraffe and is em-
blazoned thus.
The Salamander is emblazoned as
a lizard from which flames are
issuing in al1 directions.
The Mermaid and Merman have
the appropriate huinan figure above
the waist terminating ia a fish's tail.
The Memaid is nearly a1ways em-
blazoncd with the traditional comb
and glass,