Page 94 - My FlipBook
P. 94
The Griffin (gryphon) has the
head. breast, fore-feet and wings of
an eagle, ti~e only difference being
that it has ears. and the hind quar-
ters and tail of a lion. When ram-
pant it is norrnally termed segreant
and it may also be found in other
positions. If it is blazoned as a male
grfin he is shown without wings
and sometimes with horns and a
spiked tail.
The Opinicus has a griffin's head,
neck and wings, a lion's body and
a bear's tail.
The Unicorn resembles a horse in Griffin segreant
head and body but has one long
projecting horn from the foreliead.
cloven hoofs and a lion's tail and
tufted locks and a beard.