Page 40 - My FlipBook
P. 40
Catherine Wheel - A whcel consisl- Champion of England - An office
ing of eight spokes cxtending to a yrobably created by William the
nurnber of short curved blades Conqueror and retained for many
along the rim. If an alternative years by the Marmion family. Dur-
nurnber of spokes is required, it ing the reign of Richard II. the
title passed to their descendant Sir
must be given in blazon.
an hereditary right in that family
Celestial Crown - A type resembling
ever since. When the champion
the eastern crown.
carried out his original duties, he
rode into Westminster Hall, armed
Centam - Alternatively known as
cap-&pie, during the banquet fol-
sagittarius or sagittary, is the man
lowing the coronation of a ne%?
horse of mythology represented with
Sovereign and publicly challenged
bow and arrow and said to have
to combat anyone who dared dis-
been the emblem of King Stephen.
pute the Ming's or Queen's title to
the throne. The cereruony has not
Centre Point - An alternative name been carried out since the reign of
for the fess point.
George IV, Another honour of his
office as champion granted to the
head of the Dymoke family is to
C!hafant - An expression applied to
quarter with his own arms a silver
the wild boar meaning enraged.
sword on a black shield: and he also
uses a motto ' rege dirnico' thus
Chafnnch - The bird of that name
combining a play on his surnarne
sometirnes blazoned as pinson.
with the office held by his family
for so long.
Chaias - Are often fixed to the
collars of animals and on either side Chamber Piece - A small piece of
of a portcullis. They are also borne ordnance without a carriage.
on occasions as distinct charges.
They are usually shown with round Chapeau - Sec Cap of Estate.
or oval links unless square ones are
speci fied.
Chaplet - A garland of leaves with
four flowers spaced equally amongst
Chalice - A cup without cover thern. The type of flower must be
drawn on a pedestal wjth round or stated in blazon.
octagonal feet. John Dymoke and has continued as
Charge - Anything borne on an
escutcheon whether upon the field
or upon an ordinary.
Cbarged - A term applying to a
shield, crest, supporter or banner
having any object depicted thereon.
Also to any charge having another
charge upon it.
62% Charger - A dish.
Chalica Chawsé - Wearing shoes.