Page 39 - My FlipBook
P. 39
Cap of Estate
Caparison - The embroidered
covering of a horse which was ofien
charged with the arnis of tlie kniglil
to whom the horse belonged. Origin-
Calvary Cross - A passion cross ally made of leather for battle, light
elevated upon three steps which are cotton material was used For tourna-
said to represent the three graces, ments and ceremonial.
Faith, Hope and Charity.
Carbnncle - See Escarbuncle.
Came1 - The animal of that name
Camck Pursuivent -- One of the
which appears on infrequent occa-
Scottish Offiers of Arms (q.v.).
sions as a charge.
Castle - The word castle used alone
'ame'o~a'd - The Heraldic gi'affe'
generall y sign jks eifhcr a single
If it is blazoned as camelopardel it
tower or two towen willi a gate
iç then depicted with two long
curved horns.
towered is a tower with three turrets
Canon - The name given t0 the
Other castles which occur rnay be
unless blazoned triangular or square which
mcient muzzle
are seen in perspective. Frequently
another type is specified.
the blazon will say that the castIe
Arms - Arms whjch
is masoned of another tincture and
tain an allusion to the name of the
the same may apply to domes, ports
and flags.
Canton - 4 subordinary resembling
the quarter in tom but of smaUer
dimension. Its size is not fixed but
jt is generally about 3 of the chief.
Cantons are always placed in the between them. A castle triple
dexter chief uniess on the very rare
occasions the sinister chief is given
in tlie blazon. Cantons are generally
but not always cliarged.
Cat - The wild cat which is
Cap of Estate - Sometinies called blazoned catamountain. He may be
chapeau or cap of maintenance. A shown in one of several positions
cap generally of crirnson velvet which must be stated.
turned up ermine with two long The alternative is the Cornish car
points of the brim to the sinister. It which is but infrequentiy founcl and
is sometimes used to form the basis which is of a sandy tabby type with
of a crest in lieu of the wreath. a very short tail.