Page 247 - My FlipBook
P. 247
16,000 foot soldiers in 16 ranks thus ensuring adequate movement
deep, armed with a 24 foot spear.
Mail Leggings - The mail covering Mêlk - A free for al1 fight in the
for the foot and legs popular during lists between two teams of Knights.
They were supposed to be friendly
tlie Norman era.
contests but accidents were fce-
Mail Shirt - Another name for the quent. for exarnple, in a mêlée in
coat of mail worn in the Norman the year 1240, 60 Knights were
Misencorde - A straight thin bladed
Main de Fer - A rigid defence for
dagger, so callcd because it was
the haod and forearm strapped Io
frequently used to give the final
the left side of the cuirass or brigan-
' mercy ' stroke to wounded Knights.
Mittens - The name generally given
Maine Gauche - A type of dagger
to the mail covering for the hand.
designed specificaIly for a left
This was generally tied at the wrist.
handed man.
Malctius - A short bladed sword
with a slight curve in the blade
which had a single cutting edge.
Mameluke Sword - A curved Turk-
isll sword the hilt of which liad a
peculiar snake-like forrn.
ManipIe - A divjsion of tbe plialanx
designed For more rapid movement
particularly with a view to reinforce-
ment when necessary.
Morgenstern - A popular German
Manteau d'Amies - A riçid cape-
and Swiss weapon consisting of a
like plate extending from the centre
shaft about six feet in length bear-
of the chest to cover the shoulder
ing a hexagonal head bristling with
and left upper arm. 1t was designed
spikes. It was still in use in some
primarily as a protection against and protection.
districts in Switzerland in the 17th
lance thrusts.
Mau1 - A particularIy unpleasant Morion - A form of Ilelmet used al
type of percussion weapon which the end of the 16Lh century with
was fitted to the end of a shaft. Tt strongly curved brim and a cornb-
was used in France circa 1381. like structure which ran across the
top of the head from side to side.
Measurements of Koights - As il:
uras of vital importance that amour Moulded Cuirass - An early Greek
fitted the wearer jt was essentiaI forni of body arinour consisting of
thar aririourers took careful a bronze plate hammered to fit the
measurements of their customers, contours of the body.