Page 244 - My FlipBook
P. 244
Iousting Saddle (circa 1430)
so-caiied from the kindey-shaped by gorgans attached to the greaves
lobes at the base of the handle.
used by the earIy Romans about
400 B.C. The later Roman soldiers
used padded material which was an
extension of the short trousers but
which did not connect with the
caligae worn on the legs, These were
called bracae.
The next step in the early 14th
century were the poIeyns which
were plated knee pieces strapped to
the greaves, This form of knee
protection continued with minor
amendments until the deche in
Knight - In the earliest days of the
rnediaeval period a11 members of
Kidney Dagger the Nobility were tenned Knights
and it was not until some years later
Klappvisior - A traditional German that other ranks graded above the
type helmet the front of which Iifted Knights were introduced. The wliolc
on a hinge set in the brow. It basis of chivalry revolved round tlie
possessed long horizontal sights and Knightiy classes.
air-holes. It was from this helmet Knigbts were divided into Knight
that the visor was developed. bachelor, which is in fact, the lowest
rank and Knighrs banneret who
Koee Pieces - Tlie earliest for111 of were select4 as leaders. In addition
protection for the kitee was provided there were certain orders, two of