Page 205 - My FlipBook
P. 205
oIdest being in the parish church clear the details of a particular
of St. George, from 1784.
branch of the family one must place
Saint Lucia. The Registrar of Civil a figure and a letter before each
Sratus holds the records which name using if necessary a mixture
date back to 1869 with a few of Roman and Arabic figures with
baptismaI registers to 1806.
the letters a, b, etc. (to denote the
Saint Vincent. The records are different generations). This could
maintained by the Registrar be easily understood by referring
General, Kingstown, St. Vincent to Chart No. 1. Sons are listed first
commencing with figure 1, the
and date £rom 1st July 1863.
Some earlier records are kept by second son is 2 and so on. This is
followed by the daughters who
the clergy.
also commence at 1. Issue from this
Writing up the Pedigree - One generation becarne l(a). 2(a), and
should never be too long before put- the issue from generation (a).
ting the results one has achieved became I(b). 2(b). etc.
£rom ones research into some sort
The second system and one of
of logical fom on paper.
which we are al1 familiar is the
A family pedigree may be written chart system as used in many his-
up in various ways and to illustrate tory books. This system is undoubt-
the different systems, the Banks edly the best when preparing the
original material, but in a case
family history has ken set out.
First of al1 there is a narrative sys- where for exampIe, say, three sons
tem as used in ' Burkes Peerage ' in one family each marry twice and
and ' Burkes Landed Gentry ', etc. each produce ten children, the chart
This system is not aIways easy for will very soon become unwieldy and
the inexperienced geneaIogist to it will be aImost impossibIe to keep
follow, but providing one keeps a the generations on the sarne line
clear head and a logical sequence, which is always preferablc if it can
it is undoubtedly the rnost compact be managed. Once again we can
method and it is a system which refer to the Banks famdy in Chart
lends itself to reproduction by II and this system can easily be
means of a typewriter or photostat understood.
In addition to a chat? of this
It should be noted particularly nature, supposing branches of the
when writing up a pedigree by this family have moved to düierent
system that the sons are al1 listed parts of the world each branch
first, followed by the daughters. can then be kept as a separate
Secondly, in order to keep the head chart, if necessary on separate sheets
of the next generation in his correct of paper.
position in the chart, one uses the An alternative method, but still
words ' of whom presently' against in the form of a chart and once
his name and on completion of the again showing the Banks family is
details of that generation one starts that given as Chart III. This system
off the next generation by referring is best used either in the early stages
to him not only by name, but giving of the compilation of a pedigree or
his position in the family, for in families where the number of
example: ' The EIdest Son ' or ' The issue has been relatively small. It is
Third Son ' whichever it may be. essential to keep each generation
It is also of great importance in in its logical place in the chart. In a
this type of recording if one has to Chart of this kind each generation