Page 202 - My FlipBook
P. 202
Usefal Printed Sources for
Research -
Roman Catholic Priests is best
'Complete Peerage', edition by sought through theh own Churcb
Edward Cockayne.
' Peerage of England '. ColIins.
' The Scots Peerage ' by Sir James
' Burkes Peerage '.
' Debretts Peerage ', first pub-
lished 1803.
'The Landed Gentrv of Ireland
from 1899 '.
Wales - Prior to 1284 which was
'The Landed Gentry of Great
the year in which Edward 1 of
Britain 1898 ', wiîh an Irish Supple-
England had conquered Wales and
ment 1937 and American Supple-
amexed it to his dominions, the
ment 1939.
basis of old Welsh Genealogy lay in
' Complete Baronetage 1900 to
tenure of land. At that the the
1906 '.
Welsh held their land through their
Fox Davies' ' Armorial Families '.
Burkes ' Family Records '.
family groups. There was no servi-
Walfords 'County Families 1864
to 1920 '.
Nobles, and the mass of the Welsh
freemen who were known as 'Bon-
Kellys ' Handbook to Titled,
heddig '.
Landed and Officia1 Classes '.
Al1 classes of WeIsh take tremen-
' The Upper Ten Thousand '.
dous pride in their pedigrees, pri-
'Dictionary of National Bio-
marily because they had to, as it
graphy '.
was through the pedigree that they
VVho's Who '.
claimed tl~eir right of land and many
' Who Was Who '.
other rights and privileges.
Gentleman's Magazine first pub-
The old Welsh pedigree may be
iished 1731. useful to 1868. contains
divided into four principal sections:
many notes re distinguished people,
1. The Biblical Section. These
clergy, service personnel, farmers
were people who claimed to be able
and artisans.
to trace their pedigrees back to
United Services Journal from
Biblical figures and there is reputed
to have been one famiiy which even
Naval and Military Gazette. lity, there were merely Kings and
produced a pedigree back to Noah
Alumni Oxoniensis, by John in the Ark.
Foster in two sections 1500 to 1714 2. The Classical Section. These
and 1715 to 1886. people clab ancestry amongst the
Alumni Cantabrigiensis 1751 to Greek and Roman Gods and in fact
1900. the names of some of the Roman
The above are particularly useful Rulers of the Government in Britain
in respect of clergymen who will be during the Roman occupation are
found referred to as ' Clerk in Holy frequently found. Descent £rom
Orders ' or ' Clerk ' for short. Knights of King Arthur's Round
CrockFords Clerical Directory Table is also not a rare occurrence
from 1858. and in fact these two forms of pedi-
' Index Ecclesiasticus ' by John gree vie well with many of the old
Foster 1800 to 1840. Irish FamiIy Trees.
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