Page 231 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 231
to be riveted to the handles and the
weapons couId only be used for
thrusting purposes as they were not
strong enough for cutting.
Cored Blade - An early idea of the
Greeks was to provide cored blades
Co their daggers. This provided a
long socket in which a shaft could
be fitted, thus turning the dagger
into a spear.
Corinthian Belmet - A solid
armoured helmet produced by the
Greeks, circa the 6th century. It had
solid defence over the neck and
chceks but an opening in front
allowed the wearer to see and eat
his food,
meeting the enemy. thus conversing
the bearer's strengh.
This system was discontinued in
favour of the lance rest or queue
thus taking the strain from the rider.
Originally introduced as a single
hooked rest about 1390, the second,
reversed hook came in about a cen-
tury later.
Condieres - Special plates of leather
or metal in various shapes and sizes
designed to protect the elbow in a
suit or amour. Those for right and
Connthian Helrnet
Ieft arrns occasionally varied in
Corone1 - A crown shaped head style and when the shield was dis-
fitted to the point of a lance for carded as a mcans of defence, tliat
use jn 1,ournaments. on tbe left arm was necessarily
made larger and stronger.
Corseque - A shafted weapon with
a long point at its head and two Couteau de Breche - This was a
smaller points at the neck. shafted weapon very similar to the
fauchard with whic11 it was often
Conching the Lance - The original confused. It consisted of a long
posilion of holding the lance under shaft with a large knife type blade
the ,armpit supported in the rider's wliich was riclily adorned with orna-
right hand. This position could only mental engraving. It was occasion-
be adopted imrnediately prior to ally used in combat for thrusting