Page 126 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 126
Windsor Herald - One of the Woodman - An alternative name
for wildrnan.
Officers of Arms (q-v.).
Wings - Unless othenvise stated the Woolpack - A pack of wool tied on
whgs of an eagle are generally each corner.
understood. A pair of wings with
tips downwards are said to be con- Wreath - See torse. The six fold
joined in lure, if the tips are up- band placed on top of a helm in
wards they are conjoined and an achievement upon which the
crest stands or out of whicli ii:
issues. It is said to represent the
Wolf - The wolf and wolfs bead ' lady's favour ' with which the old-
are seen as charges in several differ- fashioned knights went into baétle.
en t positions.
Wyvern - One of the rnonsters (q.v.1.
Women, Bearing of arms by - Un-
married daughters by right of cour-
tesy rnay bear their paternal arms
including quarterings and any
marks of cadency their father may
use but they add no mark of difier-
ence of their own. They bear these YaIe - An animal resembling the
arms on a lozenge without crest or stag but u~ith mouth open and
accessories but sometirnes a knot or tongue extendcd and bcaring the
ribbon may be draped over the top horns of a bull.
for reasons of decoration.
An unmarried woman holding Yellow ochre - The colour gencr-
office. as. for example. the principal ally used to depict the goId in
of a college, rnay impaIe Lhe arms Heraldic painting.
of the college wjlh her own on a
lozenge during the time she holds York Herald - One of the Officers
that office. A married woman im- of Arms (q.v.).
pales her paternal arms with those
of ber husband upon a shield.