Page 125 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 125

Clarenceux  King of  Arms was con-  is  based  on  the  old-fashioned yoke
                              firmed  in  his  powers  to  travel  on  which  two  waterskins  were
                              throughout  his  province  and  sum-  hung.  It  is  the  charge  which  is
                              mon  to  appear  before  him  al1 per-  associared with a number of  crusad-
                              sons  described  as  Esquires  or  ing  families.
                              Gentlemen  who  were  to  give  him
                              adequate  proof  of  their  right  to  be  Wattled  - Used  with  reference  to
                              so  styled  and  to  make  use  of  the cock's  comb  and  wattles.
                              armorial  bearings.  He  was  further
                              empowered  to  enter  a11  castles,  Waves of  the  Sea  - See water.
                              houses,  churches  or  other  buildings
                              and  there  to  survey  al1  arms  and  Wavy  - A  line  of  division  of  nar-
                              otlier  Heraldic  devices  and  to  pull  rower  contour than  undé  (q.v.) and
                              down  or  deface  those  uniawfully  used  particularly  with  barry  to
                              assurned  whether  rhey  be  on  plate,  denote  water.
                              jewels,  paper,  parclurient  or  glass.
                                This  may  be  described  as  the  Weather  Vane  - A  charge  used
                              first  of  the  visitations  and  periodic-  occasionally  in  old  Heraldry  but
                              ally  during  the  next  two  centuries  seldom  depicted  in  the  traditional
                              further visits were made  to different  style.
                              parts  of  the  country  by  otber
                              Officers of  Arms.
                                Detailed  records were  maintained
                                                                form  and  masoned.
                              of  a11  the  visitations  which  provide
                              a  considerable  amount  of  valuable  Wheat - Sometimes blazoned  as an
                              information  in  connection  with  ear  of  wheat  but  more  generally
                              Heraldic research.
                                                                as  the  garb  (q.v.1.
                              Voided - The expression used where  Wheel  - Two  principal  types  of
                              a  charge  has  ifs  centre  removed  wheel  appear  as  charges.  If  no fur-
                              leaving little  more than  the  outline.  ther details are given the traditional
                              Unless  a  specific  tincture  is  men-  wagon  wheel  should  be  drawn  with
                              tioned  it  will  be  the  colour  of  the  eight  spokes;  if  catherine  wheel  is
                                                                mentioned  the  rim  should  be  con-
                              field which  shows in  the gap.
                                                                tinuous  and  on  its  outer  edge  a
                                                                srnall  curved  point  protrudes  from
                              Volant  - Flying.
                                                                each  spoke.
                              Vulned  -  Wounded  so  that  the   Well  - Usually  shown  in  circular
                              blood  drips.                     Wheik - Refers to the canical type
                                                                whelk  shell.
                                             w                  Whirlpool - 1s depicted  as a target
                                                                type  figure  extending  throughout
                                                                to  the  edge  of  the  shield.
                              Water  -  Is  generally  shown  in
                              Heraldry  by  barry wavy  argent and  Wild man - Sometimes blazoned  as
                              azure.  If  it  is  blazoned  as  waves  a  savage  and  found  frequently  as
                              of  the sea it is  normally  depicted  in  supporters  in  Scottish  arms.  He  is
                              its natural fom.                  generaUy shown  with  long hair  and
                                                                beard.  habited  in  a  skin,  bare
                              Water  Booget  i charge  which  Pooted  and  carrying  a club.
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