Page 9 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 9
on ~he Population and Agriculture contain the prillllipl11 data. rct\ulting from
that Censut> which, it will be l'ecalled, was not as comprehensive a~ })l'eviou:>
Decennial Censuscs, sa that the information gnthered 'l'as l'ecluced to a st.rict
lfilnllnum. FOI" cxample, the 1956 Censl1:; supplied no stalislics on the l~thllicHI
origins or religion of the population. Soriologi;:;ls or othel's engaged in l'8senrl'h
~o whom su eh preel8e data u.l'e eK.~en tiu.l must wail. [or tlw l'eturns or l.h(~ lnI) 1
A more l'ully c!oeumented kxt deseribes the work accomplished hy the
Depnrtment of YOllth u.nd Socjal Welfare. Tl\{' l'evi;:;ion of the chi~pter on
Education is eontinuing and cach succeeding ccijliol1 of tlw Ycar Dook t\ho\\'s
progres::> in that direction. The 1956-57 ediLion pl'Ovides a l'el\' new and VNY
inten'sting tables, umong these, Table 2 whieh givel'l statisti<;s conce1'lJing sebool:"',
th('l teal.'.hing ::;t,dT, and s~lIdents accol'ding; tn tlw df'gr{~e of the cOllrst: of st.l1di(~~
foIlowcd; and T~Lblœ 7 and 8 which, for the finit timc~, ~how ::;tal;iôLi(;~ of Educa-
Lion l:ompilf~d nceording ta ec:onomie regions und ~tatisticul divisionB, whil("
Tahlf' 47 al;-;o Hhows a di::;Lribution of the eo::;t of schuob (:of1structed and ['cp~lired
a.r.conling tu reg;ionB and divisions. An arLide treating wit.h tlw Provilleial
Ineom(\ Tux completes the information on Provincial Fin:1neC:3. In tll(' ::>Ü.nw
chapter, the secLion dealing with 1Vlunicipal FinanL'('s hai> heen eomplf'tpJy rcvi~('d
in a continuing, f'ffot't ta make this parti(~ulurl'y dry chaptcr mort: readablf'.
Finally, in the chapter on 'l'rade and Commeree, the HN'tion pcrt.aining to thl'
Hotcl and He~ta.lll'ant Busines::ï has been amplified by the addition of sc'vend
ne\V ltLblf';:i "howing thf' resll]t,~ uf a survey calTied Ollt by the Provincial l!ot.f'1
The:-;(, are the principal u.dditionli und modilieatjon~. Th ('1'(' HI'I, a numlwl'
of othcrs of vHl'ying importance ",hich th(' l'cH.der will notf' on conslIlting the
The .l050-57 cdition of the Year Book \1'::1."; Pl'cp!Ll'I'd for plillii(:(L1.ioli il,\'
lVlr. Lionel LaOel'ge, M.S.S., and MI'. Mauri('c Housseau. '1'11('.1' hart the c\ü!:K'
('o-opcmtion of t.he' vL\rioU8 di vision~ und tiecLÏunfi of t.lte BUl'eau of Stlttisties
as wdl us of otbeJ' lll'ganizations and Provineial und Federal Depar~mentf:l.
Tlw ],f'ading; matt(~r was trn.nslated inLo English h.r ~Iisl:i Arline Généreux.
Tlw Depart.ment of Trade and Commerce's Division of Cal't.ography drew up
the /!;l'a.phs.
T offcJ' my sincere thanks to ail who, in one \Vay 01' another, lent their
assista.n('e in preparing this volume.
J. C. McGEE,
Quebee, March 1n58.