Page 72 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 72
Dans les centres ruraux, l'excédent de la po- In the rural districts the male population
pulation masculine est de 66,568 alors que, dans was greater than the female by 66,568. whel'OOB
les cités, villc."l et villages, il y a 52,486 femmes in the cities, tOWllS and villages there were
52,486 more women than men. In ather words
de plus que d'hommes, En d'autres termes,
there were 111 men for each 100 women in the
on compte, par 100 femmes, 111 honunes dans
rural districts and only 95 men ta 100 women
les campagnes et 95 dans les centres urbains.
in the urba.n eentres. As will be ssen in the
Dans les cités, cette proportion va.rie, d'après
fol1owing table, this disproportion varied from
le tableau suivant, entre 72 et 134. 72 ta 134 in the oit,jas.
lB-Population des citée de la ProYince, clBuifiée selon le aexe.
18-Sex Distribution of the Population of Citie8 of the Province.
,." 1931
CIT S (1)
- Hommes Femmea 1 Hommes FommM
CITIES (1) Total - - Total - -
MlI.le Female Male Femal&
Cap-de-l&-Madelein&... , .................. 11,961 5,965 5,996 8,748 4,317 4,431
Chlcoutinli .............. , ............... 16,040 7,990 8,050 11,817 6,013 5,864
OTu.mmondlille .. , ........... , .. , ..•..... 10,555 5,123 5,432 .,BOO 3,271 3,338
Granby ............ , .........•...•...... 14,197 6,829 7,368 10,587 5,309 5,278
Grand'Mère .................... , ........ 8,608 4,205 4,403 6,4(11 3,206 1 3,256
Hull .... , .. , ............•••............. 32,947 16,388 16,559 29.433 14,734 14,699
Joliette...... , ... , •.. , .....•..•.......... 12,749 6,057 6,692 10,765 5,123 5,641
Lachine ...............•................. 20,051 9,008 10,143 18,630 9,261 9,869
Lévis ................................... Il,991 ',838 6,153 11,724 5,772 5,951
Longueuil .....•..........••.•.....•..... 7,087 3,627 3,460 5,407 2,650 2,757
Montréal........•.. , .•.....••••...•..... 903,001 440,701 462,306 818,517 405,892 412,585
Outremont .......... , ••.••.............. 30,751 13,588 17,163 28,641 12,.557 ]6,08f,
Québec...............•..•.. " •. " ....... 150,757 70,552 80,205 130,594 61,339 69,266
Riviêre·du·Loup.••......... .............. 8,713 4,Q42 4,671 8,499 ',000 4,499
Bt-Hyacinthe ....... , •... , ............... 17,798 7,8'94 , 9,004 18,448 6,090 7.....
8t-Jell.n - St. Jobn .....••......... , ...... 13,646 6,662 6,,",, Il,'25ft 5,799 5,457
8t-L.6n1bert ..............•...•..••....... 6,417 3,063 3,304 6,075 2,905 S,170
ShawinIgan Falls .•....•.•.......•...•.... 20,325 10,131 10,194 15,345 7,079 7,666
Sherbrooke ........... , .•................ 35,965 17,116 18,849 28,933 13,739 15,194
BoreL ..........•..•....• , .••..•. , ..•...• 12,251 6,259 5,992 10,320 5,331 4,989
Tbl:l~[ord Minee, , ..•.. , .' ..... , .......... 12.716 6,314 6,402 10,701 5,321 5,380
Troie-Rivières ..........•• , ............... 42,007 20,472 21,585 85,450 17,353 18,097
Valleyfield, Salabel"TY de.................. ' 17,052 8,850 8,202 Il,411 5,678 5,733
Verdun.................................. 67,349 33.243 34,106 60,745 30,114 30,631
West·mount, ....•••...•.......... , ....•. 26,047 10,910 15,137 24,235 10,009 14,226
TOT.l'L ........•••..•..•....... l,sU,sU 734,3150 711,211 1.3136,261 654,415 111,126
,." 1031
CITtS Hommœ Homm1'8
Hommes Femme. p&r 100 Homme" Femmel:l par 100
- 1 femmea 1 femmell
- - - - - -
CITIES Males Malell
Male Female to 100 M&!. Female ~o 100
femalee Iemales
~ % % %
Cap-de-lll..Mad.eleine.................... " 49.9 50.1 •• 49.3 60.7 97
ChLOoutinli ............................•. 49.8 00.2 50.6 49.4 103
Drummondville ............•••.•...•..... 48.5 61. fi '" •• 49.5 00.5 ••
Granby .......•..•...................••. 48.1 51.9 .3 50.1 49.9 101
Grand'Mère .............•.. , .........•. , 48.8 51.2 •• 49.6 50.4 ••
Hull .........••.........••.•.•.......•.. 49.7 50.3 50.1 49.9 1()()
Joliette............. , .••............. , ... 47.5 52.5 " 47.6 52.4 91
Lachine.,." •......•....•...•........•.. 49.4 50.6' ,. 49.7 50.3
Lévis ..........••...............•. , .•... 48.7 51.3 49.2 50.8 "
Longueuil ..........••. , ..............•.. 51.2 48.8 10' 49.0 51.0
OutreIllOnt ......•..•...........•.•.••... ..., 51. 2 7. 49,6 50.4 ••
Montréal...... , .......... , .••...........
Québeo.............•. ,',., .........•.... 4<1.' 53.2 •• 47.0 53.0 7'
Rivière-du.Loup............ , •...•........ 46.4 53.6 S7 47.1 52.9 S.
St-Hyacinthe ................••......•... ".3 55.7 .0 45.3 54.7 .3
St-Jean - St. John.... , , ....•.........•.. 48.8 51. 2 •• 5l.5 48.5 108
Bt·Lll.mbert ..................•. , ...•..... 47.7 52.3 .1 47.8 62.2
Sh"o,oinigan Falla .•.••....•...• , •...... , , . 49.8 50.2 60.0 50.0 100
8i:lerbf'OOke ........... , ....••............ 47.6 62.4 '" .1 47.5 52.5
Borel ......••...•. , •...•••.••••••••••• , .. 51.1 48.9 104 61. 7 48.3 107
Thetford Mines .....••....•..•......•..•. 49.7 50.3 •• 49.7 60.3
TroiB·Riviêl"eIl.............•....• , ..•..... 48.7 51.3 •• 49.0 51.0 ••
Valleyfield, Salabel"l"Y de..............••.•. 51.9 48.1 lOS 49.8 50.' ••
51•• ..
Verdun... , .............• , .•••.........•• 49.4 50.6 .7 49.6 60.' .S
WeetlnQunt....••.••..........• , ......•.. 41.9 1 .... ".1 7' 41. 3 68.7 70
TOUTlll8 CIrie--ALL CITlZ-f1 61,' •• 49.0
Il) De 5,000 Ames et plus. (1) Of 5,000 population and over.