Page 132 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 132

118                           POPULATION

          64-Naiuances vivantes et taux de natalité, dans la Province, par cité- et villu.
              64-Live Birtha and Birth Rates, in the Province, by Citiea and Town•.

          --               Nllie/Janee9 ',e_r.ive bhtbe  TauJ:-Rll.te~
           ClTE6 JeT VILLllfi  l\loyellnt'----A\"erag e -!  l\loyennf:--AvNIl.I!:~
               -                        1947   1048                  1947    l[i48
          CITIEIS lll'Il TOWl;!l  1926-J5  1936-45    1926-35  Ul31j-45
          Cll.p-de-IIl.-Mll.delein6  350  350  4~'  530  4l.3  30.Z    Z~.1   38.7
          Chiooutiuu ..... ..  5::n  74'  OS,   1,003   46.1   47.0    53.4   54.8
          Drummondville. ...  320  315    ".     456    45.3   30.3    40.4   38.0
          Granby ..... ..  .,.     399    700    645    3L5    28.3    43.8   40.3
          Gra.nd Mère. ...  206    229    332    33'    30.3   20.4    33.2   33.$1
          'Hull.  .........      1,010   1,4.54  1,402  32.9   30.6    39.8   37.9
          Joliette .. ... ......  33.  361  415  425    30.8   27.4    29.2   29.3
          Uvis"  >  ••     284    300     374    352    24.5   24,0    27.7   26.1
          L(J~Uil .. ::::::.  13.  141    305    311    24 li  20.6    38.1   38.\1
          MO. MAL...... ,  19,004  2() 249  24,546  24 267  25.6  21. 8  24.6  22.6
           Lachine.........  420  497     '60    629    22.7   23.8    26.8   27.3
           Outrcmon~.......  109   10'    433    291     41     3.2    12.4
           Verdun ........ ...  1.ù39  1,061  1,775  1,752  18.1)  l4.8  22.2  22.0
           We8tmOllDt.. ....  212  329           270     86    12.0    9.9     8.9
          QU~BEC...... ...  .,258  4.392  4.490  4,132  32.2   29.0    25.7   23.0
          Riviêre-du~Loup.. ..  UO  210   263    303    27.9   23.4    Zi .7  30.6
          8aint~HyadDthe. ..  3~3  439    550    544    25.8   25.4    26.7   26.2
          Saint-Jean.....  310     31:15  480    ,',[2  26.1   2'H.a   3I.O   330
 ......  62  74   120    111     0.3   11.1    18.6   15.2
          Bbo...nnigll.n Fo.l.lII. , ..  614  597  900  902  41. 5  35.1  43.3  37.6
          Sherbrooke.........  770  1,096  1,478  1.428  2'7.3  31.1   352    34.0
          Sorel. .......... .. ..  353    525    487    27.~   29.1    38.9   36.1
          TbeLford l\:linee.  '" '0'  379  498   405    38.7   29.4    34.3   27.9
          Trois-Rivi~re6... ..  1, 258  1,204  1,235  1, 256  37.3  28.5  26.3  26.2
          Valleyfield... ... ...  337  542  650  586    29.8   34.0    34.7   32.7
            CITÉ,8--CITIB:.t; ..  33,688  15,&05  ••,546.  U,.454  25.'  n .•  26.2  24••
          JotJtu.i~re........ ..  480  073  740  891    528    51,4    46.3   57.S
          La  llque.......  276   274     2.(14  203    36.1   31,9    31.5   32.6
          LaullOu ......... ...  19'  200  321   267    27.7   24.4    35.6   29.1
          M~g....... ....  215    293     :,"    430    34.5   33.0    399    43.0
          Montrnagoy.      186    169     182    170    31.1   32.3    36.4   32.5
          Rimou~ki.....    223    257     392    397    36.7   35.7   49.0    50.3
          So.i.nt-Jér6Iue. ......  306  36'  586  '75   35.8   31.0    46.1   45.3
          VictorJaviIle.. ....  18'  246  410   3,418 ....     29.3    43.2   40.6
                                                        2g .1
            V1LLl;1I-ToWN9  2,OiS  2,.81  ',314                15.1    .1.7   43.2
          Ruro.!es--Rur:ü.....  45,076  49.032  67.693  837  30.6  29.0  34.5  34.9
          Urbaincs-[rban....  35,764  a::l,175  47,860  67.  1  20.3  2.'1.9  26.!)  25.2
                       --  --
            PROVINCE .••••.  80,839  88,''''  115,553  ill,lB9  28.S  ".7  31.1  39.1
                        6S-Natalité de certains paYIlI, par 1,000 habitant..
                   S5--Birth Ratee of Va.rious Countrie8, per l,DaO Population.
                                    An~ée&iT~:l  1                       Annéee Tau}:
                 p Jo.T5--COUNTHlIC8                 P,,-ya-COUN'I'RD:S   -    -
                                     Yearll Rates                        Yellrs Rat"",
          Palestioe     Palestine (excluding   Bulgarie..........  Bu1I'aria..... ,'"  1947  24.0
            - (moios les
           Bédouins) ... ...  Bedouins) .... ,...  1946  44.4  Irlande du Nord ..  NortheJ:'o heland.  1947  23.3
          Salvador.... ....  Sal~·adoI .. ....  HI-i7  41.2  Irllmde... ..  lrdll,ul1....  Hl47  23.1
          Ceylu,[l......  Ceylon........  '047  39.4  Norvège.  .....  Norwll.Y ....  1946  22.6
          Terre-Neuve .t  L~  )iewtoUDd1ll,od  '~nd  RO\l1tlll,nie.  Rou1D\l.nia.  194.7  22,<1
           brndor. .. .....  Lab1'Bdor...  1946  36.3  DanelTWrk ...  Denmark. .  1947  22.1
          PaOallHl..    Panama.      1947  34.7 ,  F."n~qfL ...  S"oUand  1917  22.0
          Cbîli. ...  ...  Chile... ...  1947  33  Italie....•.  Ital;y ...... ....  1947  21. 9
          Canada............  Canada...........  1947  28. D  Espo.gne  . .. '  8pam.... .....  1947  21.3
          Prl)l.'i1lre de QlI./br.c••  Province of Quebfe .  19;'7  31.1  Fnpce.  France ....  l\H7  21 0
          Pays-Bas... ' ......  Netherlands........  1947  27.8  AnJleteJ'T~'. ~t . 'p-~y~
          'Union Sud-Abiou-Îllc  Uni<ln or SOliUL Arri-  e Galle'! ."  E~and and Wales.  1941  20.6
           (Blancs).......  Cil (Whites) ......  1947  27.1  SuÙ<ee....  ... ..  8wiher1and. ....  1947  19 .3
          Nouvelle-Zélande  New  Zealand  (ex-  Suède.... ....  Swede'l.  1947  1B.9
           (moins Maoris)  cluding Maoris) .•  1947  26.4  Autri.che.. ..  Austria. _  11)47  18.6
          Eta-t!l-Uni~  United States. ....  1947  25.8  Hongrie.  HUng,lry..... ...  1947  18.4
          h\o.nde....   Icela.nd....  1044  2;; 4  BelglC\.\Je. ..  BIl\gi\J!II.  1947  17 .6
          AU.~tralie.   Australia.  .. ....  1947  24.1
   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137