Page 7 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 7


            ln 1946, the Quehec Municipal Commission was entrusted with the putting
        into effect of the Act to improve and stahm.e the financial position of school
        corporations.  This called for a revision of the section of the Year Book devoted
        to the Municipal Commission; the work was done by Mr. Maurice Turgeon,
        who is in charge of the Economie Research Division of the Municipal Com-

            Housing is still one of the most d:iflicult problems of the moment.  A new
        section in the chapter on Construction summarizes the legislation passed with
        a view to improve housing conditions in the Province and a few statistics show-
        ing the results obtained through the operation of the law are given.

            Among the other more important changes or additions made in the present
        edition are the following: a new text relative to the redistribution of federal ri-
        dings; two new tables in the chapter on Agriculture: one indicating the priees of
       farm products and the other, commodities and services used by farmers; a new
        text, in the chapter on Transportation and Communications, underlines the
        creation of a Provincial Transportation Board, as distinct from the Public
        Utilities Board; in the chapter on Lahour, a new table shows the workere' earn-
       ings and, in the chapter on Trade, there is a new table giving yearly data on the
       retai! trade.  Moreover, statistics on building permits, which were omitted in
       last year's edition, appear again.  Finally, in the chapter on the Census of the
       Population, about ten tables showing the distribution of the population by
       cQUntieB have heen dropped this year; likewise, the yearly vital statistics from
        1926 to 1945, by cQunties, have been replaced by deeenniai averages.  The
       foregoing list indicntes the Department of Trade nnd Commerce's concera to
       malee the Year Book as complete a source of information as possible.

            The 1949 edition of the Year Book is the fUth to be edited by Mr. Jean
        Charles McGee, B.A., LL.L., assisted by Mr. Maurice Rousseau, both of whom
       gave the taBk the exacting attention needed to bring such an extensive compila-
       tion to .. successful conclusion. Mr. Henri Talbot, cartographer for the Depart-
       ment of Trade and Commerce, drew the graphs.

           The issuing of a volume of the Yenr Book's scope must of necessity depend
       on the co-operation of provincial and federal civil servants, and officiaIs of a
       certain number of private enterprises.  To ail who lent a helping hand, 1 wish
       to express my sincere gratitude.
                                                G. LEMüNDE,
                                                         Acting Sta!istician.

       Quebee, March 30th, 1950.
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