Page 5 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 5


            With the 1948 edition, the thirty-third puhlished by the Quebec Bureau
        of Statis!ics, the graduaI modification the Statistical Year Book has undergone
        during the past four years is now complete.  During the period in question the
        volume was revised in its entirety.  Ali the statistical tables -  over 550 - are
        now constl'llcted according ta UnifOI'ID rules universally accepted.

            Since the last of the changes judged essential have no", been effected. il.
        will be possible in future ta provide more ample analyses of social, economic
        and other phenomena.   Already this year, we have been able ta include two
        special articles that are bath timely and useful: the first, by Jean-Charles Bonen-
        fant, is entitled "French Language Books and Reviews published in Canada
        during the past ten years)); the second, prepared by I3ertrand-T. Denis, geologist,
        treats of "Metallic :Minerals of the Province of Quebec".  The mere mention
        of these two titles evokes years of extraordinarily fecund intellectua! activity
        and the beginning of a new Cl'a in the development of the Province's mining re-

            Special care has been given ta graphical illustration.  In the section devoted
        ta economy, diagrams conceived in accordunce with a general plan show the
        trend of various kinds of production in the Province, from 1938 ta 1947, as well
        as the Province's share in the Canadian output.  Ta establish the variations
        from 1938 ta 1947 absolute figures were reduced ta percentages, the year 1938
        being represented by 100.0, sa that the curves may all be compared ta one another.
        The principal data resulting from the decennial census have also been illustrated
        by means of graphs prepared accol'ding ta a previously established arder.

            Strange as it may seem ta the layman, final and complete figures of a decen-
        niaI census only become available five or six years after the actual census-taking.
        Fol' this reason, prior ta 1948,it was impossible ta publish the principal data
        relative ta the Province of Quebec as a definite and complete whole.  However,
        the information released during the past year and now issued in the pages of the
        Year Book devoted ta the Census of the Population, Agriculture and Trade,
        gives the present edition a distinctive character of its myn.  In the course of
        the nex!. few years there will be no further data of importance ta add ta this
        section and non-essential information will be eliminated in arder ta provide
        space for analyse~, special articles, etc ..
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