Page 216 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 216


              2B-Classification, par facultés, des étudiants inscrits dans le8 universités.
            28-Clas8i6cation. ~y Faculties, of .the Students EnroUed nt the Univeraitiee.

             ANNtES    Théologie  Droit  chirurj:Cie  Philoso-  Lettres  Sciences  Autres
               -         -      -   deDt_D.Îre  -  -      -     Arts    (2)  Total
                                    Medtlcine  Philo9()-               Ot,ber
              YEARS    Theology  Law  and    phy  Letten  Scienee     schoah
          1927-28.        6661   251   700                1,90D '  10,475    14,048
          1928-2~...  ..  647    268   920       1        2,022 .  11.13-~9  15,.'i40
          1029-30.    1   541    2()1  940                2,067  12, S91     W,800
          1930-31 ...     13:.'2  294  999                2,134 j  13,137    17.1813
          1\J31-32.   ·1  454    296  1,083               2,14-'\ .  13,523  17,004
          1932-33.  ...   -HiS   326  1,029                     13,773       17,831
          1933-34  . ....  470   298  1,1.11              ~'î~6 1 14,8ag  ...  18.878
          1934-35         467    301  1. 008              2,133 :  13,451    17 ,370
          1\J35-35.       490    272  (3) 2,177           2,21.5 i  12.957   18,117
          1036-37..       460    248  2,410               2,086 i  13, na    1b,g4~
          1937-3S.        517    241  (l)  611  OR   268   197 '  .'l,892  1~" 141  20,\Jü5
          19.38-39. ..    519   229    624    110    266   246  3.712  13,060  18,772
          19.19-40.       450    218   561    137    341   244  J.663  14,318  20,032
          1940-41.        492    189   676    134    357   304  .1,798  14,610  20,500
          1941-42..       484    176   fifJ7   98    420   379  .1,858  15,764  21.882
          1942-43..       468    lM    796     97    558   602  3.9-"-3  13,533  19,977
          1943--14.  . . . . . . . 1  530  161  876  191  (j7,'!  876  (4) 4, 056  (.5) 9,SJ8 5)17,186
          1944-4.5 .... .......  650  199  960  32~  n4    916  (4) .3,099  ;,j 11, 139 5)19,92.')
          1946-40.        560    349  1,045   418   904    927 i  4.25~  12,268  2fl.629
                                                 1            i
          1927-28.         23          564                 725  2.127  1   ! .  3,504
          1928-29..        28    ~~ 1  563                1 078  2.024  1  ·1  4,375
          1929-30..        39    ,,1   565                1 034  2,364 ,   '  4.095
          1930-.11 ...     33    981   551                 90R  2,40::: 1 .'  1·  4,053
          19.31-32.        27    94    M6                 1 024  ~: ~~; i·  :: : : : :!  ~:~~
          19·')2-33..      18          503                1 013
          193;1-34 ..      19      1   565                 949  E:i~b !:':..::::  3,!l!l1
          1934-;)5.        17    1!~ 88  1  ôOfJ           !l37            1  4,421
          1935-36                65    j90                 927  2,509  L   .)  4.205
          1936-37, .       "     61    664       ......···1  704              4,357
          1937-38.         9     54    561        ........  383  î:~~f i  '2:6001  4.898
          1938-39..        12    59    517                 424  1,470 i  2,805 :  5,287
          1939-40.. '      9     56    508             1   468  1,38û  1  2,557 ~  4,gl<4
          l.940-41. ,            57    448                 459  1,320         4,850
          1941-42.         " 8   46    454                 454  1,403         5,285
          1942-43.         7     34    4!j$      ···  ......  1  1,425        5,624
          1943-44..        4     35    41;3                ~g   1,576  H~! Il  13,307
          1944-45..        6     38    376                 474  1  1,714  4,250  6,858
          1045-45.         9 1 1  100  437                 952  2,742  j,52$}  9,769
                             1                         1
          1027-28.        679   310   1.33D               2.625  12,6'32     17,,;,;2
          1928-29.        67~   350   1.41l3           !  :1.100  14,313     19. !t21
          1929-30         680   354   i ,505              J 101  15,255      20,896
          1930-31.        055   302   1..'j.'J0  ...  ..,  ;~. lO2  l.'J,Mû  21,239
          1931-32. ...    481   390   1,1)29              3.172  15,775      ::n,447
          H13:;h]3.       483   415   1,592               3,251  L'J,9n      21,718
          19.13-34.       489   399   1,696               3.0~g  17,186      22,8,59
          1934-3,5.       484   389   1,617    J          3.070  16,231      21,7!l1
          19:15-36.       511   337  (3) 2, 707           :30142  15,566  1  22,323
          1936-37.       473    309  3,074                2,700  16,553      23,2U9
          1937-38. ,      526   2fl5  1, 172  98    2ÔS    530  5.183  17,741  2.'5,863
          1938-39.       li31   2SS  1,141    110   265    670  1),182  15,~7t  24,059
          193~-40        4,'i9  27<  1, 1()$l  137  341    712  Ii.D1fl  16,875  2,'},O16
          1940-41.        503   216  1,124    J34   357    763  5.118  ,  17,16:'>  25,410
          1941-42.       4112   222  1,161    \)8   425    843  5.21jI  18,664  27,167
          1942-43        475    WS   1,2R4    98    558  1,119  1),36'1  1  16,706  25,501
          1943--44..     534    186  1,359    191   078   1.111, 1(4) 5,632 1,1)) 13,502 5)2::L493
          1944-41). ,    j,iO   237  1.330   32<;   7;:14  1,391) (4)6.813 ,1)) 1.5,:~8q  5)26,783
          1945-46.  .....  569  349  1,-1 81  1  418  904  l,S7\)  7,001)  17,797  30,3US
           (1) Avant 1937-38, la soiencfl vétérinAire, 1& pharma-  (1) Previow to 1937~as. veterinary soience, pharmaoy
          CDlogie et l'hYlI:i~neétaient incluses.  and hYlilLene were included,
           (Z) Réparti!3 auparavant entre les soiences médicales,  (2) Previowly divided boetllleen medical lloienOElll, art.
          les arts et les sciences,            and applied science.               •
           (3) Augmentation provenant de l'inc1UBiDn de l'école  (3) InCIealle due to induaion of Kursing 800001 of t.he
          des 8"e.roee-maladl'"8 de l'université de Montréal.  University of Montreal.
           (4) Chiffres ravisés.                (4) Revi~d figureH,
           (5) Voir nota (1), page 200.         (5) Bee ioot-note (1), pIl-ga 2ûO.
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