Page 213 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 213
24-Valeur des propriétés im.m.obiIiBrea, dépenses, etc., des collèges classiques,
24-Value of Immovable Property, Expenses, etc., of Classical Colleges, 1945-46.
Valeur des 1 SubventionB Volume"
COLL~GES CLASSIQUES propriét&B ePeéf.~~e du gouver~ 1 dAn> I~
immobilièrtlll Dement bibliothêqU6l!l
- - - - -
Value Yaar'a Government Volumes
CLASSICAL COLLEGES of E::tpenseB Grant. in
ImmovlIobles Librariel'l
• • •
Amos ............•.••... , ••..•............•• , 100,000 32,105 10,000 2,008
Chicoutimi. ......... , ........... ............. 1,37,'j,OOO 155,000 10,000 30,000
Gaspé.................• , .••.....•........ , .•. 3.')5,GOO 44,385 10,000 12,340
Joliette.............. , ..............•......... 66S,OQO 111,000 10,000 53,560
L'Assomption........•........ , ............... 747.000 110,064 10,000 20,000
1.6vis.... , ... , ............•......•........... 830,000 128,OOB 10,000 39,000
Mont-Laurier. , ....•...•.•....•............... 600,000 99,529 10,000 10,879
Petit Sêm.-Minor Sem. (St-Sulpice), ........... 912,000 98,448 10,000 50,535
Ste-Marie.•................ , ............... 920,000 123,323 10,000 80,030
Sém. de philOBophie--Sem. of PhHOliophy....... 913,800 61,413 ... .... .... HI,148
Loyola...••..............•....•...• , ....... 1,456,354 182,667 JO,OOO 20,000
André Grasse;J1) ...........•...•. , ......... 635,000 52,623 10,000 0,140
Jean de Brébe ............. , ............•.. 1,500,000 165,161 10,000 20,000
Ezt. cl. de Ste-Croix·Cl88BÎcal day School. .•.. , . 219,500 51,038 10,000 3,000
Collège Stanislas. , .• , , ..........•.••...•... 318,228 53,308 10,000 1,200
Nicolet-. .......... , .••.•.......•••.•.•........ 400,000 94,460 10.000 43,600
Petit &êminaire-Minor Seminary...••.....•... 1, 300,000 13,),908 10,000 11 ,000
8t-Charles-G-arnier.......................•..• 450,000 ]02.580 10,000 26,000
Ezt. cL St-Jean-Eudea-Claslical day School. .•.. 250.000 54.014 10,000 700
1, 200.000 118,800 10,000 4;'5,000
:Î~o':ki:·.....:: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1,38.'3,000 167,186 10,000 40,000
St-Ale1andre-de·la--Gatineau.•.................. 275.000 68.025 10,000 18,025
Ste-Anne-de-la.-Pocatiêre..•••....•... , .••...... 800.000 138,688 10,000 61,493
St-Hyadnthe...... , .•.. , .....•.•.••...•.•..•. 1,200,000 129,394 10,000 54,090
St-Jean ..••.....• , ......•....•.•.••..•....•.. 840,000 111.479 10,000 12,000
St-Laurent•..... , •.......•........•..••••..... 1,500,000 190,397 10,000 41,070
Ste-Thème.. , .......•..••.......•••.......... 715.000 92,601 10,000 37 ,!i00
St-Vietor-de-Tring., ........................... 160,000 52,141 10,000 13,861
Sherbrooke.............••....•...... ......... 735,922 116,678 10.000 26,607
Trois·Riviêres•..• , .......•.........•.... , , '" . 2,015,413'30 10.000 23,1''>00
Valleyfield••..••......•..•........... , .•. , '" . 477.000. 68,827 10.000 14,000
TOTA.L .•. ... ,........................ 25,257,217 3,227,170 300,000 .......
1907-08 . 2,988.000 533,315 14.785 380,000
1917-18, 7,818,000 1,148,626 19,000 538,000
1918-19.... . . 6,708,000 1.289.326 19,000 408.000
1919-20 . 7,087,000 1,471,57~ 19,000 418.000
1920-21. . 10,611 ,000 1,616,809 19.000 438,000
1921-22 . 10,801 ,000 1,819,229 19,000 458,000
1922-23 . 11,399.000 1,772,5_62 190,000 486,000
1923-24 " . 11.828.150 1,848,221 190.000 489,038
1924-25 , . 13,299,813 2,068,598 HlO,OOO 488,300
1925-26 , . 14,206,500 1,841,518 190.000 494,550
1926-27 . 1,5,078,500 1,833,489 200,000 514,717
1927-28 . 10,454,600 2,108,481 200,000 550,817
1928-29.. 18,731,500 2.139.119 210,000 534,430
1929·30.. 20,496,500 2.20G.767 210,000 544.760
1930-31. 22.520.074 2.393.323 220.000 548,925
1931-32. 22.852,078 2.247,110 260.000 594,957
1932--33.. 22.935,628 2,ISl.261 260.000 605,122
1933-34. 22,833.384 2,157,935 260.000 000,907
1934-35. 22.802.147 2,249,060 270,000 603,819
1935-36. 23.169,707 2,327,5.36 270,000 675,723
1936-37 . 22,896,526 2,229,301 2-70.000 666,319
1937·38 . 23.001,060 2,348.320 270.000 678,584
1938-39.. 23.27,'1,267 2.382,605 285.000 706,130
1939-40 . 23.254.068 3,126,17S 200.000' 690,591
1940-41. . 23.623,302 2.899,876 295,000 698,990
1941-42.... . . 24.313,867 2.736,886 297,500 720.393
1942-43 .. 24,581,204 2.939.I}H 297.500 779.280
1943-44 . 24,622.585 2,964,524 300,000 782,866
1944-45 . 24.888.005 3.:348.702 300.000 815,462
1945-46 . 25,257,217 3.227.170 300.000 833,886
(1) Autrefois ExtertUlt cLa.'\siQ.up. de St.-Sulpice. (1) l'rcviously St-Sulpire Clallsittl.1 day School.