Page 167 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 167

150                            POPULATION
                                       4-NA'SSANCES                           4 -BIRTHS
                             Le nombre des nai!'su.nces, comme celui de!'  The numbcr of births, Iike that of IDAIriIlgeB,
                            mariages, subit l'influence de la situation ret>-  js influenced by the ec.onomic situation of the
                            nomiQue du paya.  Ce phénolllr'lle est illustré  country. ThAt phenomcnon appcars clearly
                            par le graphiqu~ ci-contre.  A partir de 1931  in the opposite diagram. Especially from
                            surtout on voit la courb~ s'affaisser sensibl<r  1931 the curb is seen declining sharply to
                            ment pour at·teindre son niveau le plus bas  reach its lowes~ level during 1936 aDd 1937;
                            en 1936 et 1937; de 1940 jusqu'à nos jours,  from 1940 untU now, i~ iot1icatea a finn up-
                            elle pointe résolument vers la hausse.  W81'ds trend.
                             Dans le tableau ci-de'saous on peut constater  In the table below it may he veriiied tbat
                            Que le taux de nat.'1lité de la province de  the birth rate of the Province of Quebee ia the
                            Québec est le plus élevé des neuf provinces  highest of the nine Canadian provinces.
                            canadiennes.  En 1945, il s'établit à 29.3 par  During 1945, it nuu-ked 29.3 por 1,000 popul:;.-
                            1,000 habitants.                     tion.

                            72-Naissances vivantes et taux de natalité, par provinces, au Canada, 1926-45.
                                  72-Live Births and Birth Rates, in Canada, by Provinces, 1926-45. .

                                        N.-E.  N.-B.  Quo.                       Alta   C.B.
                            An~"1 L-::E.  -     -      -     Ont.  MaIl.  Sask.   -     -
                             Yoa1'8  P.E.!.  N.S.  N.B.  Que.                    Alta..  B.C.  1Canada
                                             1      1                          1
                                                     Na..Lseances vivan  Live births
                            1926....  1,752  10.080  10,340  82,16.,  67,617  14,661  20,716  14,4,"6  10,063 232,75~
                            1027....  1,697  11,134  10,479  8:1,00·1  67,671  14,147  21,015  14, ,~97  10,O/H  231,18S
                            1928....  1,806 ,10,031  10,047  83,621  6R,510  14 ,;'04-  21,261  15,tiD2  IO,38i,  236,757
                            1929....  1.670  10,688  10,235  81,380  68.45H  14,2.36  21,446  16,921  10,378  235,415
                            1930....  1,740  ll.346  10,531  83,625  71,2[;:1  14,4ll  22,051  17.6-19  1O,81l7  213,495
                            ID31 ....  1,879  11,615  10,SOI  83,606  69,209  14,376  21,331  17,252  10,401  240,47;J
                            ID32....  2.027  11,629  10,810  82,216  66,1H2  14,124  20,814  16,mm  10,214  2:15,666
                            19:13....  1,916  .U,I64  10,037  n,920  63,ô46  13,304  20,145  16,123  9.'~!)3  222,868
                            193'1....  1,943  Il,407  10,16-1  76,1;;2  62,23'1  13,310  III ,764  10,236  Il,RI3  22.1,303
                            1935....  2,010  11.617  10,::188  75,267  6:1.060  1  13 ..335  19,560  16,18:3  JO,Ol3  221,451
                            J036....  1,977  lI,S08  10,513  75,28,';  62,101  12.8Gf'  19,125  15,7Rtl  10,571  220,371
                            1937....  2,093  Il,572  10,580  75.635  61,645  12,888  18,6'10  15,903  Il, 279  220,235
                            1938....  1,IlH  12,241  II ,447  78,145  6a,i)ij4  13,47S  18,230  15.891  12,476  229,446
                            ]039....  2,128  Il,825  Il,286  79,fi21  fo4,123  13,,';83  18.059  16,470  12,:J7:1  229,4.(;8
                            1940(2).  2,097  12,856  11,700  83 ,!!57  68, .';2"-  1'1,771  ID,322  17 ,359  13.830  244 ,:il6
                            1941(:3) .  2,070  13,816  12,1.;0  80,M3  71,980  14,714  18,173  17,410  1.'5.030  255,224
                            1942....  2,1;;0  15,204  12,519  95,439  ,7,810  15.601  18,21'13  18,:386  16,762  272,181
                            ]943....  2,171  1;\,266  12,048  98,216  8O.U77  16,3,13  IS.ri39  19,42;)  18,748  283,423
                            1911....  2.286  L'j.50S  13,4fl7 ,102,:W2  7 ',O!IO  16.008  1',138  19,372  18,999  2~,220
                            1945....  2.255  15f5~7  13.673  101,1;;5  7-'>,969  16.251  11;.007,  10,;;21;  18.856  28S,450
                                              Ta.ux par 1,000 hAbitant..  R ..te~ PM 1,000 population
                            1926....  20.1  21.3  20.1  31.0  21.4   22.9  26.2   23.8   16.6   2,1. 7
                            1927....  19.5  21.6  25.3  ~1.3  21.0   21. 7  25.0  23.S   16.2   ~4.3
                            1928" ..  20.5  21.2  2,;.1  :iü-.8  20.9  21.8  24.7  23.~  16.2   2·i. 1
                            1929....  19.0  20.8  25.3  29.4  20.5   2L.0  24.3   2·1.7  15.7   23.5
                            1030....  )9.9  22.1  ~5.g  29.6  21.0   20.9  24.4   24.9   IG.l   23.9
                            1931 ....  21. 3  'l'>. 6  26.S  28.1  20.2  1  20.5  23.1  2:.1.6  15.0  23.2
                            193-L ..  22.8  2:Ù  20.1  28.1   Hl.2   20.0  22.1)  23.0   14.4   22.5
                            H133....  21. 6  21.3  2·1.0  2~.9  18.1  18.8  21.8  21.6   1:3.4  21.0
                            19M...  21.4  21.5  2·LO   2;;;.3  17.6  18.8  21.:J  21.4   13.;'  20.6
                            1935....  21.8  21.7  21.3  2·1.(\  17 .6  18.8  21.0  21.2  13.6   20.'1
                            I!H6....  21.3  21.7  2·1. 3  2·1.3  17.3  IR.l  20.5  20.4  14.2   20.2
                            1037....  22.5  2L.l  2~.2  2'.\.1  lô.9  I~ 0  20.2  ~g:~   14.9   20.0
                            1038....  21.0  22.1  2:'.9  2·1.6  17.9  11;.7  1!l.U    1  16.1   20.6
                            1939....  22.6  21.1  2~) .2  2L7  17 .~  lR.7  1\1.9  21.0  15.6   20.4
                            1940(2).  22.1 ,  22.6  2,i.9  2';.6  l1U3  ZII.3  21.5  22.0  ~U   21.5
                            19H(3).  :H.B  :4,3.9  26.6  ..  ZO.!!  f--  21)).2  20.6  21.!!    22.2
                            HH2. .-.-·.  2,~:9  2'ï.7  27'.0  28~2' ...  à&:-&-  -:t .5 -  -~1.6  2'3.7'  23.4
                           1943...  23.9  ;i. J  28.0  28.7   20.6   22.5  22.1   24.5   20.8   24.0
                           JOH ...  2,; .1  25.&  20.1  20.2  10.7   21.9  21.4   23.7   20.4   23.8
                           1945....  24.5  25.0  20.2  29.3   19.7   22.1  22.4   24.0   19.9   23.S
                             (1) Sauf les Territoirùs.           (1) Ex<1u,ive of th~ T~rrit<>ri~".
                             (2) Sui""n~ le lieu cie nais.anoe. 1926-40.  (2) By pla~c of O~CUl'enc", 1920-40.
                             (3) Suiv..nt le lieu de domioile. 1941-45.  (3) By place of r••id.nca, '1941-45.
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