Page 281 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 281
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9.216 5.206 5:065 6,420 6.243 1,147 l,5\)4 5,4f,t) 1,598 652 5,899 4,01\1 45 5,190 863 2,286 2,549 1,520 1,023 1,226 3,30·; 2,383 195,897 2,206 1.622 5,699 27,862 5,663 2,277 1,372 3,448 10,881 3,719 2,866 11 ,8f>6 6,383 2,970.147
3,30:1 2,760 1,715 829 1.722 298 1,179 2,543 653 166 2.520 l,52!) (i0 2,298 441 314 4C2 5-19 4117 536 1,636 1,220 74..6.'1 1,253 473 1,704 ï,725 1,456 Oa9 83 l,08S 3,167 1,3:11 959 '3,916 1,834 l,819,n4
S 520 144 692 918 230
licences. 9,OJ7 S 5,380 4,304 4,ù71 5,960 1,269 1,277 4,149 1,136 ",213 3,482 ,.1).407 2.4.26 2.647 1,038 1.225 2,421 1,36:1 211,264 1,905 !.I68 6,875 28,144 0,212 1,246 3,595 10,234 3,544 2,298 Il ,807 4,\)98 2,208,388 (.Juete--.
des Licenses. 6,152 4,750 6,569 5,134 ·1.802 1,208 1,164 3,980 1,163 569 6,662 3,438 201 5,509 337 2,186 2,812 1,513 1,079 J,2.>8 2,519 1,937 214,455 2,22;) 1,4.21 5,(H7 29.479 4,809 966 107 3,069 8,021 3,780 2,373 10,903 5,987 1,975,971 1933-34. of
et and $ 4.930 4,617 3.033 4,193 4,200 1,040 1,508 3,612 898 327 5,090 2,822 115 3.754 78,'; 2,46:1 2,566 1,008 9M 1.123 2,096 1,671 633 1,164 4,996 25,038 4,018 995 237 2,841 7,542 2,8fJ4 1,8'J2 8.960 4,600 berore PTaH'
alcooliques Act S 2,203 2,926 2,305 3,715 3,796 653 143 4,142 579 317 4,:l22 2,811 20 4,0.18 32 2,121i 2,754 484 706 .,6.1 1,016 1,5Y3 213,304 219.698 361 1.439 3,541 17,109 3,J32 9:15 9 1,758 6,814 2,386 1,381 8,237 4,686 1.968.406 Reyenue. of the of Account.'t
liqueurs Liquor $ 2.640 2,271 2,564 4,494 3,491 454 .,62 2,680 300 408 5.251 2,969 40 3,60.' 144 1,511 2.372 400 646 590 1,273 1,558 198,(l~3 247 1,102 2,002 15,7110 3,978 455 87 2,038 6,231 2,642 2,131 8,075 4,357 1,814.934 in..lead only. F~u.Mi.c from
des Alcoholic $ 1,773,886 R,"""ipl. 9 mnnth.. EXLTact
Loi the 1,466 2.395 2,279 4,.';37 4,032 437 512 2,396 506 365 4,573 2,804 20 3,648 295 U2" 2,234 306 496 518 1,170 1,.128 212,680 181 1,287 2,561 15,210 3,815 750 134 1,831 6,591 2,893 1,714 7,750 1,877 (1) (2)
la 1,750,139
de under li 187 158
vertu 1,983 2,981 J,653 5,776 4,831 351 750 2,183 409 287 5,228 3,169 110 4,137 1,524 1,595 153 602 389 833 1,439 209,152 455 ],268 1,563 J5,100 3,794 788 2,061 6,904 2,753 1,953 8,753 4,484 1,245,569
en Duties $ 3.10 67~ 244 196 3.337 122 434 1,313 1,853 307 715 885 822 1,747 395 1,19:'! lJ~6 3,245 1,236 138 1,606 6,1105 3,014 1,892 ,(~
droits from. 3.004 S 2,703 1,766 4,226 4,108 2,219 4,532 4,870 203,660 17,5S6 7,61.1 4,423 J,300,OOO
des Derived 2,614 3,540 2,207 4.558 4.906 484 1,103 2,489 346 189 5.!ll9 3,809 100 4,657 1,228 1,354 1,988 946 668 809 896 2.190 209,198 615 1,499 414 18,231 4,647 957 168 2.905 7,369 2,~03 2,312 8.039 6,263 2,000,000
provenant (1) 8 3,728 3,630 4.060 4,833 5,459 827 728 4.557 527 303 5,730 3,701 120 8,004 877 1,792 2.91~ 777 1,065 1,032 1,704 3,587 238,562 965 1,311 564 23,449 5,024 1,327 227 3,139 9,45-3 3,921 2,418 8.223 5,946 , ..... 1----1----: 2,132,612 (.}uébec.
(1) 9-Revenue s ::."\ . . . . . :::: . . . . . . . . . IVest.. . . . . ., , .. . '. . . . , .. . ' . . . un- Liquor 1933-34. av•.nt lj.p, lO))T(.Jvi:nce
9-Revenu :: :::: :: . , , . " :::~ , :: :: :: , ., . . .. ~logc!.len Islands. . . . . .. . l'ast Johu John , , ...•...... . " ' ' , , '. .. , ....•.•.• , ' " , duLies Liccnso the dC'r La\~., re"euu, de puhlù:,.'î
DISTRICTS :::::::: .. . . .. .. . . .• , , :::..::~ .........•.... :::: ~ E••t .. , , .. ' , . . .. .. .. . . , . . .. .. . . .. .. .. [,;t.. St. . ' . .. .. , POlltiae-OIL""t-West ............• , . , , , , , , , .. , .. , . " ., , ., .. , , .. Riv(~B. de a)· ln liqueurf!. ' . . ,
~~~ti~~;';'k~'.::::: .. .. D~a\lcc... Bcuuhllrno1s ' Bedford Roca·yenture g~i:~~~~i'" Cnspé-F:.t- (;a.pé-Oue.t-We.t TIull .. , Iberyille Ile.,·Ue-Ia-Madeloine· Jotie!.te I\:amonr:lskn.. Labelle-Nord-North LabeJle-Sud- South L.e_"t-.Tenn-Est-Lokc L"e-St-J"nn-Ollest- Lake 'l'uQuc.. l,a iVlaL:1De l\'f(luim