Page 157 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 157
24 - Classification, par facultés, des étudiants inscrits dans les universités.
24-CJassificatlon, by Facultles, of the Students Enrolled at the Universlties.
ANN~B Théologie Droit médicales Science.9
- - - (l) Arts - Total
YEARB Theololfl' !,J&W :Vfedie..1 Applied
Sc.iences Sciences
1113ll-37 .................. ~60 248 2,UO 13,738 2,086 18.942
1935-311... .................. ~OO 272 (2) 2,177 12,967 2,216 18,117
1934-35 .................... 467 301 1,008 13.461 2,133 17,370
1933-34 .. ........ .......... 470 298 1,131 14.839 2,140 18,878
193~33 ..... .............. 466 326 1,029 13,773 2,23!l 17,831
1931-32. ..... ............... 4.64 296 1,083 13.523 2,148 17.604
193~31 .. . , . ............... 622 294 999 13,137 2,134 17,186
192\1-30 .... ..... .......... 641 261 940 12,891 2,067 16.800
19~29. .. .................. H47 268 920 11,689 2,022 15.5411
1927-28 .................... 656 251 766 10.475 1,900 14.,048
1926-27. ..... ..... ...... .... H65 246 766 9,359 1,529 12,546
1925-26..................... 661 234 930 (3) Il,277 1,628 14,720
1924-25, ..... , , . , .. , ..... , .. 649 239 881 5,739 1,838 9,346
1923-24...... , ..•.. , .• , ... , . 672 216 9111 6,392 1,751 8.947
1922-23................... .. 663 202 84.8 4,810 1,407 7,930
1921-22........... , , .... .. 1. 611 203 824. 4,797 1,102 1,537
192~21. .. ........ .......... 648 199 845 4.285 002 6,879
19111-20. .. . . . . . . ............ 691 207 852 3,864 381 5,995
1918-19. .. ....•. . , ..........
1911-18. ......... ......... 501 244 781 3,539 428 Il,487
1916-17. .. , ....... ... . ...... 456 250 608 2,933 433 4,679
11130-37........•....•.. ..... 13 61 664 2,915 704 4,357
1935-311.................. ... 15 65 590 2,609 [l27 4,206
1934-35..................... 17 88 609 2,770 937 4,421
1933-34................... ,. 19 101 665 2,347 949 3,981
1932-33..... .......... ... 18 BD 663 2,204 1,013 3,887
1931-32 .................... 27 Q4 546 2,252 1,024 3,943
1930-31. .................... 33 98 551 2.403 968 4,053
1929-30.. ..... .............. 39 93 565 2,304 1,034 4,005
19~211 .................... 28 82 563 2,624 1,078 4,375
1927-28. ............. -...... 23 65 liG1 2,127 725 3,504
1926-27. ...... .............. 21 61 576 2,237 829 3,724
1925-W. .................... 25 72 628 1,821 734 3,280
1924-26 .. .. ... ............ 20 6ft 690 2,104 &14 3,714
1923-24. .................... 16 76 885 2,113 1,116 4.206
1922-23. ................. 13 74 948 2,123 955 4,113
1921-22.....•. , ........... ,. 11 95 1I0!! 1/,03 1,027 3,544
1920-21. ...... , . ..... ...... 8 132 917 2,221 875 4,15:1
1919-20....... , ............. 11 135 718 802 886 2,5S1
1918-19. ............. ....... 9 52 544 550 2112 1.447
917-18 ...... , ..... , ........ 7 44 446 493 241 1,231
1916-li..... , .......... .... 6 62 373 ,536 251 1,217
19311-:17........... ......... 473 309 3.074 16,653 2,790 23,299
1935-ô6 . .................... 611 337 (2) 2,7f>7 Ui.!W6 3,142 22,323
1934-:111... ................ 484 389 1,617 16,231 3.070 21,791
1933-34... ...... ........ .... 480, 399 1,696 17,186 3,089 22.859
1932-33... ...... . ......... ' . 4,83. 415 1,592 15,977 3,251 21,718
11131-:12 ....... , ... ........ 481 390 1,629 15.775 3,172 21,447
193~31. .... ............ !lM 392 1,550 15,MO 3,102 21,239
1929-30.. : : .. ., ............ 680 354 1,605 15,255 3,101 20.896
1928-29..................... 676 350 1,483 14,313 3.100 19,921
1927-28.................. ... 679 316 1,330 12,002 2,625 17.552
11126-27........ , ... , .. , .. ... 676 307 1,332 11,596 2,358 16,269
11125-26, .............. , .. , .. 686 306 1,548 (3) 13,008 2.362 18.000
1924-25.............•....... 669 306 1,671 7.843 2,672 13,060
11123-2,1. .... , , •. , ...• , ...... 688 292 1,801 7 1005 2,867 13,153
11122-23.... , .... "., .. , ..... 676 276 1.79(1 6,933 2,382 12,043
1921-22....... , ........ , .•.. 622 298 , 1,732 6,300 2,129 11.081
192~21. .................... 656 331 1,762 6,500 1,777 11,032
191~20.... ,., ......... , .•.. 702 342 1,570 4,666 1,266 8,546
1918-19.. ................... 510 200 1,325 4.089 720 6.940
1917-18 . .................... 505 298 1,158 4,064 693 6,718
1916-17... , ...... , ......... 460 302 981 3,469 684 5,896
(1) Comprand la mt\deeine, lB seience vétérinaire, la rhirurgie dentaire, la pharmncologie et 1'hY1!Îén8.-lnoludiDg
medicine, veterinary seiencc, dental surgery. pharmacy and bygiene.
(2) Augmentation prove.nant de l'inclu-'Îon de j'école des gardes-malades de l'université de Montréal.-Inore"".
dU8 to inclu!Ùon of NUl'lling scbool of th. Ullivereity 01 Montreal.
(3) Augmentation provenlU>t de l'affiliation de plu.ienrs couvents donnnilt le e.Q',r. de )ettr..~..ei.nœs on de
··Hi,gh School".-Incrcaae due to tbe affiliatio'n of severa.l OODyantB giving an arts-sciencœ or hiah school COurse.