Page 33 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 33
DrSCOVERY PERIOD (1492 to 1608)
1492.-Christopher Columbus discovers America and explores the islands San Salvador, Cuba,
1497.-SebasLian Cabot discovers Labrador.
1500.-Gaapard Cortereal di~eovers Newfoundland.
1524.-Verllzzano explores the coast of America.
1534.-.First voyage of Jacques Cartier. Takes posseesion of the country in the name of France
and of Christ, by ereeting a cross surmounted by the arms of France at the head of
Gaape Bay.
1535.-Cart.ier's second voyage. Ascends the St. Lawrence to Hochelaga.
154I.-Cartier's third voyage. Brings several hundred volunteers.
1598.--First attempt al. colonizntion, in Acadia. The Marquis de la Roche lands 60 convicts on
Sable Island, where they prisoners for 5 years.
1603'.-DeChastes sends Champlain and Pontgravé on an exploring expedition in New France.
They draft a map of the Saint Lawrence up to Sault St. Louis.
1604.-l\I. de Monts' Company sends settlers to Aeadin under the command of Champlnin and
1605.-Port Royal founded by de Monts.
COMPANY PERlOD (1608 to 1663)
lst Gavernar: Samuel Champlain (1608 la 1635) (1)
1608.-Quebec founded by Champlain.
1609.-Champlain's expedition to the lake which bears his name; in a first encounter with tbe
Iroquois, Champlain puts them to ftight.
1610.-Champlain's second expedition against the Iroquois, on the river Richelieu. They are
again repulsed.
1611.-Two Jesuits, Rev. Fathers l\'lassé and Biart, evangelize the Micmacs.
1615.-1n a third battie wilh the Iroquois, nenr the Great Lakes, Champlain is wounded and
~pends the winter in that region. ArrivaI at Quebee of the Recollet Fathers J!I.IIlay,
Dolbea.u, LeCaron and Brother Duplessis.
1616.-Establishment of the first schools al. Three Rivers and Tadoussac, under the Recollets.
1617.-Louis Hebert, the fust settler, arrives al. Quebec with his family.
1620.-Construction of Fort St. Louis at Quebec. The Recollet convent is erected on the site of
the General Hospital near the river St. Charles.
162I.-First civil registers opened at Quebee. First code of laws published al. Quebec. Mont-
morency Company formed.
1623.-First attempts of the Enghsh to colonize Acadia under Sir William Alexander.
1625.-Arrivnl of the Jesuit Fathers Lnllemant, Y\/fassé and Brébeuf.
1626.--ehnmplain estabhshes a farm near Cape Tourmente.
1627." The Company of ~ew France called that of the Hundred Associates is founded.
1629.-Quebec taken by the Kirke brothers. Cbamplain is brought to England and !ater proceeds
to France.
(1) From 1~~9 ta 1~32, Champlain remained in Frnnoe nr~er the taking of Quebec by tbe ]Cirke brotbere,
Huguenolo in tne .ervice of England.