Page 15 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 15


      :24. Percentage of convictions 1.0 ch:.rges for inJicto,ole offence:3, oy provinces..  177
      25. Sentences imposed for indicto.ble offence", in the Provinee of Queoec..  177
      26. of sentences compared 1.0 total convictions. . . . . .  .  ' .. 177
      27. Occupations, birth-phLees, etc., of persons convic!ed. . . . . . .  .  178
      28. Number of cases with by the different courts, in Hl33.. .  .  179'
      29. Summn.ry convictions, by provinces, in 1932 and 1933. ..          IBO
      30. Suromary convict.ions in the Province of Quebec.                  180
      31. Juvenile delinquents convicted of major offences in Canada, in 1933.  181
      32. Juvenile delinquents convicted of minor offences, in Canada, by provinces  181
      33. Total nurober of convictions in Crmada, by provinces, in Hl33.  .  182
      34. Number of prisoners pardoned in the Province of Quebec. ..  .     182
      35. Police statistics of cities and lowns uf the Province, in 1933.  . . ..  183
      36. Police statistics of the principal cities D.nd tuwns, in 19a3.. .  . . . . . . . . . . .  184
      37. SherilI's sales, in 1934. . . . . . .  . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  185
      38. Number of documents registered, from 1916 to 1934...              185
      39. Number of documents registered by the registrars, in 1934.        186
      40. Coroners' inquests and deuths in vest,ig)Jted. . .....  . . . . . ...  187 .
      41. Inquests with or without jury.-Classificatioll of deceased, in Hl34.  . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  188
      42. Causel! of deaths according to inquests or the jury's verdict, in 1934. . . . . . . .  189
      43. Nationality of deceased, in 1934...............         .        190
                                 F-PBNAL INSTITUTIONS

      44. l'dovement oC population oC prisons, 10 193:~. .  . . . .  .   .  191
      45.. Nationality and religion of prisoners admüted in 1933.  .  .    192
      46. Civil and literacy 01 prisoners admitted in 1933. .  .   192
      47. Number of prisoners djscharged during the year  .                193
      48. Clussificl1tion of prisoners admiLt.ed, according to nge, Occupl1tion, etc .  193
      49. Classification of prisoners sentenced, ~,ccording 1.0 nature of ollence  .  194
      50. NI1ture of sentence.    .        .                               195
      51. Movement of t.he population of prisons, since 1913  .            195
      52. Children in reformatorv schools, on 31st Decernber, u,nd expenses  . 196
      53. Movement 01 the population of reformntory schools. .. .        .  19B
      54. Cbildren in reformatory schools on the Ist of mon th.      197
      55. Children liberated classified according to cause of liberation ....  197
      56. Children in eustody on 31st Decerober, c1assified according kJ age, etc  .  197
      57. Statistics of reformatory scbools of the Provinee 01 Quebee for the year 1933  .  198
      58. Movement 01 population of industrial schoo)s.. . . . . . . . .. '"  .  199
      59. Number of days of detention. -Financial slatement of induslrial schools  .  1n9
      60. Pupils in induBtria,1 schools on the Ist of month . . . . .  .  .  200
      61. Classification, aecording ta D,ge, etc., of pupils in custody on 31st December ..  200
      62. Statistics of industrial schoolB of the Province of Quebec for the ye~,r 1933 ...  201

                              G-CHARITABLE INSTITUTIO~S
      63. Receipts of the Bureau of Public Charities, in 1933-34 i:\lId 1934-35  .  203
      64. Government gmnt.s to charitable institutions, by classes  .      203
      65. Receipts of the BW'eau of Public Charitil!8, since 1921  .       204
      6l). Annual Government grants to charitable institutions, since J921.  .  204
      67. Loans contracted by charitable institutions and guaranteed by the Government  204
      68. Movement of t.he population of chu,rit.oble institutions, in 1933  ,  .  207
      69. Disbursements of charitable instit.utions of the Province  .     207
      70. Movement of population of hospitals for insane, in 1933  .       208
      71. Reeeipts u,nd disbursements of hospitals for insane  .           209
      72. Staff and movement of population of institutions.. . .. .  .     210
      73. C!R.Bsifica.tion of patients treated, according to nature oi disease .. ,  .  210
      74. Classification of patient:; deceased according 1.0 causes. , ..  '"  .  .  .  211
      75. Patlent:; treated in dispensarJel!..  .  .. ..  .  ..  .      .  211
      76. Financlal statement of general and maternity hospltals and crèches.  . . .. .  . 211
      77. Slatistics of I1nti-tubercular sanatorii:\.. . . . . . . .  . . . .  .  .  212
      78. Movement of population of anti-tubercular sanat.oria, in 1933 .. '  .  212
      79. Financia.l statement of a.nti-tubercular sanatoria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .  .  212
      BO. Statistics of homes, orphanages, l'efuges, etc. . . . . . . . . ..  . ..  213
      81. FinancialBtl1tement of homes, orphanagl!8, refuges, etc  ,     .  213
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