Page 7 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 7
The Year Boole for 1927 differs from the previous one by more abun-
dant information and the arder in which sorne tables are inserted. 1'\ume-
rous diagrams in VlU10US chapters illustrate the variations from one year
ta another. The information is gathered l'rom provincial reports, blue
books issued by the Dominion Government and compilations made by
the Bureau of Statislics of Quebec.
The main modifications carried out in this year's edition may be
summarized as follows: immediately following the table of contents
will be found a retrospective statement of the progress of the Province
from 1871 ta date; the chapter on Administration contains a list of mern-
bers of the Legislative Assernbly since 1867.: the section relating ta
Colonization sets forth the movement of population since 1920 in colo-
nization parishes; the chapter on Production explains the mode of com-
piling agricultural statistics, includes more complete information con-
cerning forestry products, a more thorough nomenclature of manufac-
tures and the section concerning motor vehicles has been completely
The attention of the reader is also drawn to the numerous charts
which accompany the tables of the Year Book for 1927. The main object
of these charts is to illustrate the variations of certain subjects without
having recourse ta the corresponding tables. Diagrams of various forms
are advantageously used to convey an exact idea of the situation.
The function of a statistician is to observe and register the state
of certain activities and ta present them in their real aspect from the
information he has gathered. 1 have endeavoured to accomplish this
aim in the preparation of the Year Book.
1 am grateful to the officers of this Bureau and to the chiefs of the
various services of the Administration of the Province who have contri-
buted ta the accomplishment of my task. The co-operation of the Do-
minion Bureau of Statistics has also been very valuable and is greatly
Editor of the Yen.r Book.
Quebec, December 23rd, 1927.