Page 15 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 15
5. Rye . 264
6. Peas . 265
7. Beans . 265
8. Buckwhea.t.. 265
9. Corn fol' husking... 265
10. Mixed grain 266
11. Flax. 266
12. PotMoes 266
13. TUl'Dips, bcet-s, rutabagas. 266
14. Hay and c10ver 267
15. Foèlder corn. 267
16. Alfalfa.. 268
17. Area seeded, in acres. 268
18. Area. seeded and crops in the Province. 268
19. Average vicld pel' aere, total value, etc 269
20. Estlrnated aren, under cuJtme Ln Canada. 270
2]. Estimate value of crops in Canada, by provinees.. 270
22. Variation of prices of agricultural product,s in the Pro\·incc. 271
23. Qun.lity of cereuJs and farinaceous produit,s. 27]
24. Estima te of gross revenue l'rom agriculture. 272
25. Estimate of gross revenue l'rom Agriculture in Canada 272
26. Average vn.Iue of fa,rm !:Inds pel' acre 273
27. Estimate of agriculturn.l wealth of Canada, in 1926 273
28. Index number of prices of agricultural products of the Province 274
29. Average sa.laries and wages of fa,rm labomcrs. . .. .. . 275
30. AvcrD,ge salaries and wa~' of Carm labo\11'ers in Cauada, in ]926.. 275
31. Hone\' production in the Province, in 19213-27. . ... ... .. . 276
32. Number of co-operaLive sncieties founded iu the ProvincE-, since 1909 278
33. Operations of the co-cpera.tive societies for 1927. .. . . . . 279
34. Societies of a.gricuHUl'e in the Province.. 282
35. Financial stl.terr.ent of societies of agriculture on the 3[st Decembcr, 1926. 283
36. :'vIembership of farmcr's clubs in the Province, by counLies... 284
37. Number of dornest.ic animi1.1s in the Proyince.. 285
38. Value of caUle in the Province.. . .. 285
39. Quant.ity of poultry in tbe Province. .. . . 285
40. Nurnllr.r of mikh cows on Canadian farms . 286
4]. Number of other caWe on CanadiB.n fn.rms 286
42. Number of sheep on Canadian farrns .. 285
43. Number of swine ou Canadian farrns .. 286
44. Value of milch cows . 287
45. Value of ot,her cuWe . 287
46. Value of sheep.. . . 287
47. VA.lue of 8wine.. 287
48. Value of farm animais R.nd wool in the province. 288
49. Value of farm animaIs and wool, by provinces, in 1926, .. 288
50. Revenue from domestic animais . 289
51. Index numbers of farm horses . 289
52. Index numbers of milch cows . 290
53. Index numbers of other cattle. " o. o •• 290
54. Index nwnbers of sheep... 290
55. Index numbers of swine.. . .. 290
56. Number of animais shipped from eacb count)'.. 29L
57. Cattle slaughLered in inspected abattoirs in 1926 .. 292
58. Number of sheep slaughtered in abAttoirs in 1926.. 292
59. ~\Imber of swine slaughtercd in abattoirs in 1926. 292
60. \Veight of animaIs slaughtered in packing houses.. 293
61. Va.lue of unimals slaughtered in packiug houscs. 2\13
62. Tota.l value of material used in packing houses.. 293
63. Production of p'lcking houses and abn.ttoirs . 294
64. Value of produ~tion of packing houses . 294
65. Total production of hutter and cheese factories. 295
66. Production of butter factories . 296
67. Production of cheese factories . 296
68. Raw materia! used in butter factories, etc .. 296