Page 13 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 13
80. Executions and sales of properties . . , , 181
61. Number of documents regist,ered . . ',' 181
82. N umber of deed.s recorded by regiatrars.. .. .. . .. " 182
63. Coroner's inquests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 183
64. Investigations-ClassifIcation of deaths, in 1926 184
65. Causes of deaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 185
tic,. Nationality of deceaaed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
67. Number of prisoners-Period of detention-Experules . 187
68. St.all' of prisons in the Province of Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
69. Salaries of staff. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .,... . . 188
70. Number of cells occupied on the first of each month , , .. 188
71. N'umber of prisoncrs libemted dming the yeu.. . , . 189
72. Classification of prisoners aecording to age. . . . . . . . 189
73. Clussification of prisoners (l,ccording to occupation. . . . 189
74. C\a.ssificat.ion of prisoners a,ceording to natiûnality . 190
75. Classification of poisoners according to civil sl,, religion', etc .. ' . 190
76. Classification of prisonel's according to nc.ture of offence . 190
77. N!Lture and duration of conviction. . . . . . . . . .' . 191
78. Fina.ncial staternent. of prisons of the Province of Quebec . 191
79. Kumber of children in reformatory schools, etc. . . .. , . 192
80. Number of ehildren sent. to reformatory schûols , . 192
81. Number of children liberated . 193
82. Number of children on the fust of cach mont.h .. '. . . . . . . 193
83. Classification of ehildren aceordiTig to age . . 193
84. Classification of children aecording to nationalit.Yl ete. ' ' . 193
85. Reeelpts and cxpenses of reformatory sehonls. .. . . ' . 194
86. Number of persons in industrial schools, etc . 194
87. Number of persûns in industrial schools on the first of en,ch mon th .. 195
88. Classification according to age. . .. .... . 195
89. Classification accûrding to nationality, etc . 195
90. Classification according to eduea,tion, etc. " . . . 195
91. Staff of prisons a,od sala.ries-Number of cells, etc.. 196
92. Movemcnt of popuIa.tion of prisons.. . . . . . 197
93. )fat:onality ancl religion of prisoners admitted during the yeu,r .. 198
94. Nomber of warrants lssued, prlsoners hberated, etc . 199
95. FinaneÏJJ.1 statement of prisons... . 200
96. Statistics of reformatory schools for 1925. 201
97. Stat.istics of industrial schools for 192.5. 202
98. Gov,ernment gmnts.. '" . . 204
99. N'umber of persons entering hospitals, in 1925.. . . 205
100. Experules of hospitals for the insane and charit!Lble institutions . 205
101. Number of patients admitted in hospitals fol' the, etc . 206
102. Staff of hospitals for the ins..'ine... .. . , . 207
103. Salaries paid to stail' of hospita,ls for l,he insane. .. . . . .. . . 207
104. Classification of pll.tients admitted aecording to natul'e of diaease.. 207
105. Classificatioo of patients according t.o na,tionality, religion, ete . 208
106. Classification of patients aecording to ocuupa,tion . 208
107. Financial at!Ltement of bospitals for the insane ' . . . 208
108. Sta.ff and number of patients. . .. . . 209
109. Classification of patients admitted . 209
110. Classification of patients according to nature of disease . 209
Ill. Classification of patients deceased .. 210
112. Sick treated in dispeasaries... . 210
ll3. Financial stu,tement of hospitals, maternilies, etc.. . . 210
ll4. Financialst!1tement of antitubereular saD!Ltoria " . 211
115. Staff of institutions.. . . . . 211
116. Number of pOOl' assisted ' . 212
IL7. Financial sta,tement of homes, orphanages, asylums . 212
118. St!Ltistics of hospit.'tls for the insane for 1925 . 213
119. Number !Lod causes of death in hospitals for the insane . 213
120. Patients admitted in hospitals for the illBane in 1925, etc . 214