Page 444 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 444

SOCIETES DE SECOURS MUTUELS                            397

          22-Etat des atraires des Sociétés charitables ayant un permis du trésorier de la Province.
                                    au 31 décembre 1922

                     NOM DE LA SOCIl!:Tl!:        Actif   Passll  Recettes  D6bourslls

                                                    li     li     $       $
          Aide aux aveugles  :                 .   5,554  12,296  13,518  14,516
          Assistance Maternelle                .   1,647  ..........  lC.871  10,270
           Assistance Materneilc de Québec. " ...............•... ,  .  3,493  · .. 2',072"  3,652  4,137
          Assi~tRnce Pllblique                 .  50,629         10,773  8,958
          Assodation Québecoise de la Gcutte de Lait de Québec  .  1.783  ..........  14,760  13,771
          Baron de Hirsch Instltute             .  104,815    ~.,  96,495  96,445
           Boy's Wclfarc Association of Montrea\.  .  3,144  .... ·900..  4,726  4,855
          Cathohc Sail0", Club 01 Montreal.     .  83,419        16,157  lR,992
          Child Wellar. Associatian            .   6,618  ï,.:si.s· .  32,442  32,063
          Children Bureau of Montreal.         .   1,400         17,185  17,678
          Comité de Secours de l'Hôte-Dieu du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
             de Québec .......................•.........•..... , .  17,968  .. , .... ,-.  8,583  5,700
          Commlttee olsixteen of Montreal..    .    725  ., ..... ,.  3,563  3,500
          Chlnese Association of Montreal. .,  .  25,550  .' ........  1,672  1,172
           Dispensaire Gratuit del'Enlant-Jésus  .  653  · .. 7,873' .  628  763
           Family Wellare Association of Montreal.  , .. " " .  33,737  86,776  69,762
           Federation 01 Jewisb Philanthropics  "  .  12,680  46,551  135,438  157,620
           Female 0rpban Asylum of Quebec       .  40,122  .... '163..  4,022  3,784
           Friendly Home 10rYoung Women         .  11,414         5,101  4,651
          Girls Cottage Industrial Schoo\.      .  23,000   132   9,201  8,719
           Grace Dart Home •.....................................  118,088  564  2.';,907  12,764
           Grillintown Club of Montrea\.        .  21,737   261   3,764  4,723
           Hebrew Consumptive Aid Associatian   .  1O,6C9  '" .... ".  8,009  6,798
           Hebrew Sbeltering Home •...............................  19,038  .........  4,976  4,976
           Hebrew Young Ladies Bewing Society .• "  .  · . '6'2,i03' .  ... .... , .  167  167
           Hervey Institute .•. ,              .        ..........  13,242  19,295
           Herzl Dispensary Hospita\.          .   6,000  . '3'3,438' .  10,255  W,255
           Hôpital Laval. •....................... "  .  341,564  53,838  54,982
           Hôpital Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci.     .  ·.. ·246..  .. , .... , .  2,251  2,251
           Hôpital St-Joseph pour les Convalescents Pauvres  .  ........ , .  4,481  4,722
           Insh Protestant Benevolent Society of Quebec •.•...........  13,117  .. ·.~,OOO· .  716  531
           J\'erly Bettlement                   .  5,053          5,053  10,817
           Je""1sh Endeavour Sewing Schoo\.     . · ..... ,.,.  o  •••••••••  159  159
           Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society of Montreal.  .        200    200
           Les Vétérans Français cie la Grande Guerre  , .  · "ii,407' . ... ï,50cï'  5,814  5,023
           Maison St_Vincent-de-Paul-de-l'lmmaculée-Conception.•....  16,533  7,000  2,680  2,502
           Montreal Convalescent Home................•...........  65,266  39,500  16,045  11,608
           Montreal Day Nursery                 .  67,192  ....... '"  8,451  11,537
           * Montreal Dlet Dispensary           . ..........  . .. 6,000"  ... 4}73"  . .. 4,407"
           M ontresl Dispensary                 .  24,291
           Montreal Hebrew Orphans Home         .  108,846  .. '2,777"  16,401  16,401
           Montreal Human SOCiety 01 Montreal. '"  .  444         1',317  3,650
           Montreal Protestant Home a f Industry apd Reluge  .  602,153  935  50,866  48,700
           Montreal Protestant Orphans Home     .  287,674  1,378  17,400  17,331
           Montreal Soldier's Wives League     .  18,585          6,121  5,603
           MontrealSailors Institute           .  148,316  · 'J5;riOO"  26,8.'i6  24,325
           Mount Sinai Sanatorium.. "           .  56,991  .. , .......  35,426  35,426
           NeedleworkGuild 01 Canada (Montreal Branch)  .  247  · ...... ...  648  567
          Œuvre de la Protection des Jeunes FIlles  .  124,608  22,500  18,725  12,231
           Protestant Inlant Home of Montreal. "  "  .  lC3,946  727  16,l78  18,904
           Protestant ReHef Society 01 Montrea\.  .  479  .. , .. ....  1,277  1,226
           Prisoners Ald Association of Montresl  .  3,933  ..........  1,138  917
           Quebec Beamen's Instltute            .  11,829  · ...... -..  1,299  1,300
           Rashaya Benevolent Socicty cf Montreal.  .  731  .' ........  350  325
          Societé Catholique de Protection et de renseignements de
             Montréal. .. '  ,                 .    882  o., ••••••.  7,923  7,291
           St. Andrew'sSociety of Montreal.  ,  .  90,677  ..........  9,592  12,362
           St. Andrew's Sodety 01 Quebec        .  2,043  .... , .....  486  538
           St. Georges' SOCIety 01 Montrea\.    .  137,972  · .........  9,123  11,165
           St. Georges' Society 01 Quebec       .  17,882         1,318  1,362
           Society lor the Protection of Womcn and Children  .  3,688  '''''Ü74''  IG,967  13,261
           Welcome Hall MisSlOn                 .  31,000  816    7,947  8,734
           Westmount Soldiers' Wives League     .  1,021          2,832  2,780
           Women'e Directory cf Montreal  "  ,  .  1,022    62   12,045  11,966
           Wang Wun Lun AssociatlOn            .   1,550  ..........  1,412  1,084
           UnlOn  Amicale de Notre-Dame-Auxlhatrice dcs Ancicns
             Elèves du Collège de Ste-Anne      .  4,681  ... ',5,500"  116  182
           Union Nationale Française            .  15,182        14,559  14,567
          Young Women's Hebrew Association of Montreal  .  .... - .... · .........  6,821  6,821
                           Total       "        3,031,474  238,498  934,906  992,924
               * Rapport non transmis.
   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446   447   448   449