Page 442 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 442

SOCIÉTÉS DE SECOURS MUTUELS                           395

             21-Etat des affaires des Sociétés de secours mutuels de la province de Québec, en 1922

                   NOM DE LA SOCIJ!;TÉ

                                             $     $           $     $     $
            Alumnae Benefit Association of the Royal Victona
             Hospital Training Schoollor Nurses  .  6,067  425       4,421  2,402
            Ammno.e Mutual Benefit Association of the Mon-    •
             treal General Hospital Training Sohaol ior ~nrser-.  10,551  270  1,463  .594
            Association de Bienfaisance des Pompiers de lvIDot-
             réal  ,                  ,   . 286,738       784      148,600  85,102
            AS'iociation de Bienfaisance et de Retraite de la
             Police de Montréal           . 474.328       923      126,794  87,960
            Association de BIenfaisance et de Retraite des Pom-
             pier8 de Québec             .  33,385  637   176        4,800  637
            AssociatIon de Prévoyance et de Secours Mutuels
             de8 Bouchers de Montréal  "  .  5,780        282        1,598  710
            AssoC'lution des Bouchers et Commerçants de Lard
             de Québec              "     .   784         77          270   339
            Association de Secours Mutnels du  Dioc~se de
             Sherbrooke.   .              .  4,393        138        1,574  1,355
            AS80ciation de8 Employés des P08tes de Montréal.  6,137  831  5,860  5,224
            Association Mutuelle des Employés Permanents
             de la cité de Quéhec         .  1,655         83  24,600  1,560  1,128
            Bessarabie' Hehrew Sick Benefit Society  .  22,368  475  6,795  6,404
            Cais8e 8uppMmentaire de Secours Mutuels du
             Diocèse de Sherhrooke       ,    524         90          213   255
            Canadian Hebrew Sicle Be-nefit Association  .  3,3.51  226  2,612  2,366
            Canadian Q.der of Rechabites  .  3,620        32          502   240
            DallRhter8 and Maid8 of England Benevolent
             Soriety. "  ,            "  .   9,039        626        3,885  3,726
            Diamond Benefit Society of Montreal  .  2,366  42         662   535
            Dominion Arsenal Sick Benefit Association ..  1,468  89   715   .517
            Dominion Commercial Tnwellers' Mutual Benefit
             Society    "       "       .   29,458  640  1,016  777,930  29,880  24,658
            Dominion Expressmen'B Benefit Society  .  16,786  1,396  20,715  16,778
            Fédération Ouvrière Mutuelle au Nord ....•.....  13,903  270  13,400  6,447  6,512
            Fonds de Secourf1 des Forf'stiers Catholiques de la
             Province de Québec     .       J1,018      11,981  299,525  70,572  77,923
            Fratellanza Italinna dei Can:lda  ..  921     104         735   211
            Grand Lodge of Quebec, Knighto of PythiaB  .  2,768      1.547  1,004
            Sllbordinate Lodges... .. . .  .  "  .  20,321  925  1,258  7,586  7,J91
            H{'brew Rick Benefit AssocIation  , , .. ,  31,383  1,0:n  13,475  13,659
            Hungarian Sick Benefit ASHociation  _  2,370  141        1,758  1,588
            Independent Hebrew Rick BenefitAssociation ..  9,442  50  2.57  4,203  3,816
            Independent Order of Odd FeJlow8, Grand Lodgc
             of Quebec            "  ,    .  13,824                  6,156  5,808
            Subordinate Lodge . ..  .     . 332,740  5,971  6,369   71,807  57,195
            Independent Order of Odd Fcllow8, Manchcstcr
             Unity Fricndly Society, Montreal Di8trict. ... " .  21,436  745  78,400  3,863  3,038
            King Edward Sick Benefit Association of Montreal.  8,926  509  348  ,';,666  4,898
            King George P,ir1< Benefit AssocIation.... ..  7,727  332  5,048  5,669
            La Mutuelle de Saint-François-de-Salcs de la
             Pointe-Gatineau  ,           .  2,194         66        l,8J~  407
            Le Spcours ~lutuel aux Malades.,  .  3,733     65  20,450  1,251  1,960
            Montcfiore Protective Association  .  1,630   105        1,113  1,190
            Montreal Tramways l\Iutual Benefit Association.  176,485  2,741  1,461,.550  36,730  33,756
            North End Hebrew 8ick Benefit Association  .  695  43     748   339
            Ordre des Chevalier8 de Champlain  .  9,936   86  37,300  1,982  678
            Papillf~au Hebrew Sick Benefit Association  .  6,059  105  1,548  1,543
            Porter., l\futual Benefit Association  .  3,774  30  273  2,596  82.5
            Rusfoiian Polish Hebrew Sick BenefitAssociation .  4,682  201  2,351  2,162
            Ht. Joseph Benefit AS80ciation of the Parish of
             StanBtead  "                 .  4,563         69         717   439
            St. Lawrencc Court Sick & Funeral Benefit Asso-
             ciation                      .  2,044         85         680   841
            St. Lawrence Rugar Refiners Ltd., Employees
             Benefit Society             .   4,199        308        3,790  3,670
            St. Patrick'!" Court Beuf'fit Society  .  158  166        946  1,213
            St. Patriek'R Mutual Benefit A8sociation of Quebec.  1,346  110  846  791
            St. Patrick's Total Ab8tinenee Mutual Benefit
             Society of Montreal.  ,      .  2,776        40          295   381
   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446   447