Page 193 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 193

                                                                                      The Ontario Register
                                                          188                                                                                                                                     Eastern District Marriages

                                                                                        Rev.  John Dickey,                                                                                                                                                    189
                                                                                         .    Church  Williamsburgh                                                          1   1838.  w:  David McCulloch  Alexande  F
                                                                           Pres bytenan                  ,                                                                Ju Y                                            '              r  raad   ·
                                                                                             1836-1849                                                                       J  o  h n  McUmoyl,  of Edwardsburgh  &  A-                    1 Grant  f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      n~ue Ia
                                                                                                                                                                           'Ida  19 Sept 1838, by h e.  w:  Alexander \Vyt·                             ,  o  Ma-
                                                                                                                                                                          tl    '                                                           le,  and Philemon
                                                                          .    n  of Williamsburgh,  &  Jane  Thomb,  of Ma-                                              pinnock.                                   .
                                                             Edward Wllso  '            . Adam Markley,  Peter Winegard.                                                     Nelson Barkley  &  Catharme Christman  both  f  .  .
                                                                       1     1                                                                                                                                   l .                     '        0   \V1lhams-
                                                          tilda,  .24 ~ ay :::·& ~hristiana utman, both of Williamsburgh                                                  b   rgh  5  June 1838.  w:  E 1as Barckley  George H
                                                                                                                                                                           u      •         .                                        '             .  ltfarseles
                                                             BenJamm Me  J  'ah D  c  Shepard,  George Broeffle.                                                             John Lapomt &  Elenor Shaver,  both of Williamsb                            h       ·
                                                                    1836          0                                                                                                                  H          D 'Il  b                             urg  ,  16th
                                                          25  May         : :V:  1\~~rsel~s ·&  Lancy Low,  both of Williams-                                             october 1838.  w:  enry  1  a  ough,  James Baker.
                                                             George W1  1am                              .                       h
                                                                               18 36  by lie.  w:  H1ram Hayes,  Jo  n  Myers.                                               John H.  Merkley &  Catharine Ouderkirk,  both of Williams-
                                                         burgh  27 June              '                                    '11'                                           burgh,  23 Oct 1838.  w: Henry Eastwood, Christian Merkley.
                                                             Lewts Bec  er      &  Nancy  Fetterly  both of W1  1amsburgh,  on
                                                         28  June 1836.  w:  David Fetterly,  Joslah L.  Cam~bell.                                                          James  Carson  &  Alida  Fetterley,  both  of \\'illiamsburgh,
                                                                                                                                                                         26 Nov  1838.  w:  Donald Fetterley,  Christian Reid.
                                                             Jonah  Coons  &  Almieda  Strader,  both  of  Matilda,  19 July
                                                         1836     w·  William Strader,  Christian Dillabough.                                                                Frederick Haines  &  Jane Kilpatrick,  both of  Matilda,  26th
                                                             Pe.ter. Fetterly  &  Mary  Ann  Colquhoun,  both of  Williams-                                              November  1838 .  w:  David Bell,  William Campbell.

                                                         burgh, 19 July 1836, by lie. w: David Fetterly,  Pete~ Colquhoun                                                   Christian Mars el es &  Eliza Wilman, both of Williamsburgh,
                                                                                                                                                                         December 4,  1838.  w:  John Dillabough,  Francis Wilman.
                                                            David Bell  &  l\lary Ann Kilpatrick,  both of  Matllda,  8 Sept
                                                         1836.  w:  John Hegerty,  Hugh Hegerty.
                                                            Richard  Helmer  &  Abigail  Pillar,  both  of  Williamsburgh,

                                                         26 Dec  1836.  w:  Peter Ouderkirk,  William Bedstead.                                                                                                     1839
                                                            Peter  McMartin  &  Janet  Stewart,  both  of  Matilda,  10 Jan

                                                         1837.  w:  Patrick Mc Martin,  Duncan Stewart.                                                                             Gideon Barkley                           Jane Ault
                                                                                                                                                                                    John Baker                               Nancy Bigford
                                                            Peter Saddlemyers  &  Eliza Bedstead of Williamsburgh,  on
                                                         6 Feb 1837,  by lie. w: Jacob Bedstead, Henry Vanallen.                                                                    Hiram Pillar                             Charlotte Holmes
                                                            David  Baker,  of  Winchester,  &  Emma  Lenox,  of  Matilda,                                                           Lewis Dillabough                         Ann Reid
                                                         9 Aug 1837.  w:  Lawrence Markel,  Martin Baker.                                                                          Adam Weegar                               l\Iaria Garloe

                                                            William McQuig  &  Mary Heggarty,  both of Matilda,  26  Oct                                                           Samuel Smyth                              Mary l\IcClelland
                                                         1837.  w:  John Heggarty,  Thos Gallacher.                                                                                Samuel Armstrong                          Elizabeth l\Ieeker

                                                            Mathew  Cook  &  Catharine  Herington,  both  of  Winchester,                                                          James Mclntosh                            Phebe Garloe
                                                         24 Nov 1837.  w:  George Hammel,  William Markel.                                                                         Simon A.  Merkley                         Maria Casselman

                                                            Conrad Mcintosh &  Elizabeth Dicks  both of Williamsburgh,                                                             David Bariger                             Sally Kilpatrick
                                                         by l~c.,  27  Feb 1838.  W:  James Mcin;osh,  Henry Dicks.                                                                Gerrard Marselis                          Dinah E.  casselma.n

                                                         2  Htram Reid  and  Susannah Campbell  both  of Winchester on
                                                           8 March 1838  w·  Th                                '
                                                            Ch  .  .         ·  ·      ornas  Feely,  George Hammond.
                                                         22     risban Coogler &  Nelly Barkley  both of  Williamsburgh,                                                                                           1840
                                                             July 1838.  W:  Robert Lyle  Rober~ Caldwell
                                                                      8                                                                                                                                                     Sarah Steed
                                                         7 ;~~:; Gallacher &  Elizabeth Hegerty,  both. of Matilda, on                                                             Andrew McMahon
                                                            Ward Sm·it:: John. Hegerty,  David Gallacher.                                                                          James Clark                              Catharine Parker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Elizabeth Hough
                                                                             &  Ehzabeth Selvage,  both of  Winchester.  24th                                                      Hugh Rathburn                                            TaYlor·
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1\Tary Jane        .
                                                                                                                                                                                   Elias  Secord
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