Page 191 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 191

The Ontario Register                                                                                        Eastern District Mar  .
                                                           186                                                                                                                                                                     nages
                                                                   b  l'  w·  Jo  n      Adam    s  William Akins.                                                        23  rd June 1836 .  w:  Solomon Snider  J                       .
                                                                                                                                                                                                               .  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '  as Dtllabo  h
                                                           1847,  Y  lC.        ·  &  Harriet Robertson,  both of Matilda,  19th                                             John  Bedstea  ,  o  Wilhamsburgh                          d     .  ug  ·
                                                              Charles Bowben l'c  w·  James Stewart,  Daniel Rose.                                                                                                                '  an  Ehza  B  kl
                                                                  ry 1848       Y   1   ·  ·                                                                              :Matilda,  7 Aug 1836.  w:  Simon Dillabough                               ar  ey,  of
                                                           Janua.       .  '        &  Catharine Hair,  both of Matilda,  8th Feb                                            Simon Dillabough,  of Matilda  and M  '  Thos Barkley.
                                                              BenJamm Parr                                                                                                                                                '          ary Bedst  d
                                                           1848  w·  William Sellers,  Margaret Goen.                                                                     iamsburgh,  31Aug 1836. w: David Dillabou  h                            ea, of Will-
                                                                 ·   ·    .      &  Anne  Rose  both of  Matilda,  24  Feb 1848                                              William  Hamilton  &  Jane  Gillespie  le' Edward Barkley
                                                              Peter  Hames                           '       .                                      ,
                                                                                                                                                                                         .                     .                    '  0    ornwau  23d s
                                                           by lie.  w:  Henry Stearns'  Jacob H~mbes.  b  th  f  M  .                                                     1836,  by l.w.  w:  Wm Ca1rns,  Thos Gillespie.                             •        ept
                                                              Moses Steinberg &  Mary Ann Stem  erg,  . o.  o                         . atllda, on                           Benjamm Mc Fadden,  of Edwardsburgh  &  11                        1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             n  argaret Fa'd
                                                           24  March 1848,  by lie.  w:  John Albrant,  William WlCkwire.                                                 of Matilda,  27 Sept 1836.  w:  Jas McFadden  J  hn                                1   er
                                                             Joseph  Bailey  &  Margaret Adams,  both of  Edwardsburgh,                                                      Francis E.  Bar  ey &  Mary Ann Mclntosh  b  th  f                              . ·
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •  o  o  Matilda
                                                          4th April 1848,  by lie.  w:  Rossel Cook,  John Adams.                                                         28  Sept 1836.  w:  David Mcintosh,  Allen Mclntosh                                     '
                                                             Robert Brigham,  of Madrid,  N. Y. ,  &  Anna  Munro,  of Ma-                                                   Jonathan  Quinnell  &  Mary Batfield,  both of M~tilda,  Nov
                                                          tilda, 211\Iar 1849, by lie. w: Cornelius Nevins, Charles Rose.                                                 1836.  w:  Gilbert Munro,  James Moody.                                           9  ·
                                                                                                                                                                             John F oster &  Ann Murry,  both of Osnabruck, 14 Nov 1836.
                                                                                                                                                                          w:  Mar tin  Hic key,  John Beattie.
                                                                                        Rev.  Henry Shaler,
                                                                                                                                                                             Wm D.  Rooks  &  Catharine Ross,  both of Cornwall,  20 Nov
                                                                                Wesleyan Methodist Minis ter,                                                             1836,  by lie.  w:  John Ross,  George Mattice.
                                                                                                                                                                             James  Moody &  Lucy  Botfield,  both of Matilda, 8 Dec  1836.
                                                                                                                                                                         w:  David Mcintosh,  Jonathan Quennell.
                                                                  [Note:  Rev.  Henry  Shaler resided in Prescott and
                                                                                                                                                                             David Johnson &  Silva Sowle,  both of Matilda,  17 Jan 183ï.
                                                                  later in Osgoode.  The following marriages repre-                                                      w:  John Sowle,  Gabriel Redmond.
                                                                  sent only those he performed in the Eastern Dist-
                                                                                                                                                                            Stephen Sowle  &  Augusta Lord, both of Matilda, 17 Jan 183ï.
                                                                  rict as recorded by the Clerk of the Peace]
                                                                                                                                                                         w: John Sowle,  Gabriel Redmond.
                                                                                                                                                                            Isaac  Boyd,  of Oxford,  Johnstown Dist,  & Sarah Dillabough
                                                             John Brock  &  Elizabeth Lowry,  both of Matilda,  25 August                                                of Matilda,  16 May 1837.  w:  Augustus Boyd,  Thos l\IcCarigan.
                                                          1835.  W:  Solomon Snider,  William Steed.
                                                                                                                                                                            George Jackson  &  Mary Sprowe,  both of l\Iountain,  29  Mar
                                                             Anthony Wallaser and Mary Ann Toosaw  both of Edwards-                                                      1838.  W:  John Van Camp Jr.,  William Shaver.                                         ~
                                                                    21        1835
                                                          burgh,        Sept         ·  W:  Michael Brouse  Àndrew Burnside.                                                Hugh A.  Mills  &  Susannah Lalone,  of 1\Iountain, 6 Dec 153,:,.
                                                          21  J;:;~:~ McFad.den  &  Mary Johns ton~,  both of Matilda,  on                                               W:  Isaac Mills  John G.  Mills.
                                                                          •  W:  NiCholas  Johnson  Dr.  John Stuart                                                        John W.  McCann &  Margaret  McConnell, both of Winchester
                                                             Jacob Bedstead Jr  of Wll'                   '                          ·
                                                          of Matilda      22  S  t  ·          1   lamsburgh, & Catharine Drapeau                                        29   August 1849.  w:  Samuel McConnell,  Henry .l\IcCann.
                                                                       •       ep  1835  w·  Tho  Gl                                        d                                                                                    .    11 . c  rgar  of Mount-
                                                             Ephraim Greel  &  C  ·             ·      s     ynn,  Moses Bedstea  .                                         J  ohn Brown  of Winchester  &  Harnet lt c  a                         '
                                                          17  Oct 1835  by  !            atharine  Gardner,  both of Cornwall, on                                        ain,  12  Nov 1850  w·  Andrew McAlister,  Barna  as" c                            ::.  h.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    :\I  Car!!:lr
                                                                          '     1 le.  W·  John G  d                                                                                              ·    ·                                         ·  31     1 n arc
                                                             William Hisket & M ·                   ar  ner,  Abraham  Gardner.                                             John  Johnston  &  Elizabeth  Donley,  of l\Iountam.
                                                          Nov 1835  by t·c              am la Raymond,  both of Cornwall  on 27
                                                                      '      1  .  W:  Wm  R                                              ,                              1857,  by lie.  W:  William Vancamp,  l\Iartin .M;n:;·line Sha,·er
                                                             Daniel  Carman  &  EU              aYmond Jr.,  Hiram Raymond.                                                 David Knapp  of Montague  Lanark Co.·  an  •.  e  ..  Reuben
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5"  b,· he  '' ·
                                                          1835,  by lie.  w·  Ed           en  Shaver,  both of  Matilda  31st nec                                       0  f   Mountain  Dundas Co               !4th April     18  1
                                                             D  .              .    ward Brouse  p  t                               ,                                    Sb               '                   . '                       '   •     •
                                                               av1d Dillabough  &  Ma                 •  e  er Shaver Esq.                                                  a ver,  Henry Moorhouse.
                                                                                             ry Anne Shaver,  both of Matilda,  on
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