Page 158 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 158


 The Ontario Register
                                   Talbotville Royal  Cemetery
 ar 10  1907 ae 60 yrs.                                                                       153
 d .  .l\I   '   ah  F  x  mother of the  Re v.  R. C.  Parsons   ms 24 ds.
 Parsons.  "De bor   o.  '   d  "   '
 1  1  1888 ae 84 yrs 5 ms 13  s.   Smith,  Warren 1852-1932, his wf Sarah Ja   V  .   _
 d.  Ju Y  '   ·al flowerpot inscribed "In memory of Clara   Erastus Sm1~h _1886-1907;  Ettie Smith  189 _  1 18o9-1941·
                                                                         ne  a1
 Payne.  A memi on  Payne  Atmie and Ruth Smith."                          6  1896
 A.  Payne,  rene   ,   Smith,  Sov.  William C.  Smith d.  Jan 15  19     14                   .
                                                                               ae 63 yrs· h1s
 Pye  Samueld.  Mar17,  1874ae59yrs.   wife Amanda Bradt d.  Dec 22,  1911 ae 63  yrs.  ''Wood,men
 R~~ey, Vesta Jane  1846-1905.   of the World Memorial"
 n me  mory of the infant son of Rev. S.H.  &  M. J.  Rice
 Rwe.  "I   Storr ,  George E.  son of Henry & Caroline d.  Jan 16,                            ae
 born and died August 25,  1881."   11 yrs 6 ms.                                        1884
 Risdon,  Joseph  Sr.  born 1803  died Sept 8,  1890.  A  native of   Stringer,  Henry d.  Nov 15,  1883 ae 88 yrs.
 Devonshire,  England.   Travers,  P/0 Franklin L.  April  20,  1922,  missing in action

 Risdon.  Sarah wf of Joseph Risdon d.  May 11,  1855 ae 49 ys.   March 11,  1944;  James E.  1886-1956.
 Small,  Floyd R.  1902-1953;  Lela his wife 1903-1959.   Travers ,  Lt.  William A.  1883- [not eut]; his wf Jeannette s.
 Smith,  Edith Ann  dau  Jacob &  Mary Ann d.  Sept 25,  1869 ae
 5 ms.   Voaden,  James d.  Oct 4,  1925 ae 92 ys 7 ms; his wf Charlotte

 Smith,  Francis A.  son of John S.  &  Abigail  d.  June 22,  1858   d.  Feb 22,  1883 ae 52 yrs 11 ms.
 ae 2 yrs 2 ms 2 ds.   Voaden,  Jas  E.  d.  Apr 11,  1898 ae 11  yrs & 1 m.
 Smith,  Garret d.  May 23,  1871 ae 65 yrs.   Vigary.  Ann Axford wf  Wm Vigary d.  Jan 20,  1894 ae 45 ys.

 Smith,  George A.  son  of  John S.  &  Abigail  d.  June 2,  1855   Wade,  Esther E.  dau  Frederick H.  &  Sarah  d.  Nov 1,  1861
 ae 5 yrs 7 ms 2 ds.   ae 2  yrs 2  ms 2 6 ds.

 Smith.  Georgina wf Samuel Smith d.  Mar 30, 1904 ae 47 yrs.   Wade,  Mariah Emeline dau of Francis & Elizabeth d.  Sept 5,
 Smith,  Ida dau Wm&Mary Ann d.  Mar17,  1872ae3y4m8ds.   1848 ae 9 yrs 5  ms  10 ds.

 Smith,  Isaac  d.  Dec 9,  1895  ae 65  yrs;  his  wife  Annie Wait   Wait.  Ann wf John Wait d.  Nov 12,  1883 ae 70 ys  & 10 ms.
 d.  Nov 21,  1912 ae 72  yrs.   Wait,  John d.  Dec  14,  1897 ae 83 yrs.

 Smith,  Jacob d.  Aug 10,  1878 ae 64  yrs 2 ms  13 ds   Wallis  Harriet Selena dau  Thomas  & Maria d.  Aug 25,  1873
 Smith,  John S.  d.  Apr 9,  1862 ae 48 yrs &  5 ms   .   ae 7  weeks.
        Webb,  Robert d.  Apr 1,  1913 ae 80 ys 4 ms 3 ds; his wf Ma?'
 S~~· ;ohn S.  May~· 1877 ae 47 ys; his wf Eliz~beth Milley
 4  19     Jane  d.  Aug 12,  1900 ae 61 ys;  George  1874 - 1874;  Anme
 Y   •  1~ ae 7o  yrs;  their dau  Eva M.  Jan 9,  1883 ae
 2.2  yrs; Chartty Bowlby Jan 8,  1830 ae 29  rs   1871-1874· Ernest 1876-1885; 1\Iay 1881-1890.

 Sm~th, Joseph d.  Jan 9,  1870 ae 28 yrs & 1:  .   Wellman  Ethel dau Wm & Eliza d.  Dec  6• 1890 ae 5 ys  ms.
 Smith  Joseph d  A   14   ms.   '                                   . Ell  n wf of Watson
 1881   Wride,  Watson d.  Oct 28, 1872 ae 53 yrs,                         e
 d  M 18   ·  ug   '   ae 76 ys  &  8 ms· his wf Sarah
 ·   ay   ,  1891 ae 82  yrs   '   Wride d.  Sept 22,  1871 ae 46 yrs.
 Smith.  Mary wf  Gerr'tt   ..
 22 ds.   Smith d.  June 12,  1868 ae 63 ys 1  m
 Smith,  Mary Ann d  N

 Smith,  Mathias d  D o;o4,  1886 ae 56  ys 2  ms 20 ds.
 Smith.  Phebe An .  liee   '  1901 in his 57th yr.
 2   n w  e of  Iaaa  s  ·
 8 Yrs  1 rn 3 d
 Smith.  Rachel  -~·   c  mlth d.  July 19  1862 aged
 Wl e of Jacob Smith d.
 May 7, 1856 ae 38 ys 11
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