Page 154 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 154


 The Ont:Hio Heg-ister

                                   Talbotville Hoya!  Cemetery
 Bowlby.  Jacob  son  o  f  Alexander &  Julia  d.  Nov 21,  1849 ae                          149
             2 yrs &  3  ms.
 5  yrs 8 ms 21  ds.
 d  Sept 8  1831 ae 45  yrs.   Cole,  Walter d.  May 19,  1940 in  his   th   .     .
 Bowlby,  Ja~es ·f Alex'r ~owlby d.  Apr 23,  1858 ae 33 Yrs.   wf d .  May 15,  1896 ae 19 yrs  ms  70  dyr,  .Jenme May his
                                                           9       17
 Bowlby.  JLu  ·~d ~ab  Dec  17  1835 d.  Sept 9,  1912.                8
 Bowlby,  ucm   ·   •   cuthbertson,  John born Belford,  England  '                   .
               ·11  d  ·  1854 · 0          ·       ·                  '      · • Acctdentally
 Bowlby.  Margaret  wf  William  Bowlby  d.  Jan 12,  1898  aged   k1  e  m   b  'h. xoman;  Ftrst Postmaster, Talbotville·  El'-
 48 yrs & 4 ds.   ccted 1945  Y  1s grandson Robert w.  Thorn                               '
 Bowlby,  Mary d.  June  25,  1867 ae 76 yrs.   Down.  Grace wf of Wm Down d.  May 17,  1865 ·ae   yrs
 Bowlby,  Nathaniel son of Samuel & Sarah d.  June 27,  1851 ae   Down,  Henry son of Robert & Sarah d.  Jan 23,  1886 ae 2 s
             1 rn  14 ds.                                                                   2 y
 6 yrs & 9 ds.
 Bowlby,  Samuel d.  Feb 20,  1888 ae 70 yrs 5  ms 2  ds.   Down,  Ralph born Oct 13,  1859 died June  13,  1892.

 Bowlby.  Sarah wf  Samuel Bowlby d.  Oct 18,  1868 ae 45 ys &   Down,  Robert d.  Nov 21,  1920 in his 93rd yr: Sarah Ellen wf
 10 ms.     of Robert Down d.  Mar 31,  1915 in her 81st yr.

 Bowlby,  Theodore son of  A.  &  J.  d.  March 26,  1856 ae 1 yr   Drake,  Ans on Phineas son of Phineas & Catharine d.  Mar 19,
 3 ms .     1846 ae 4 yrs 1 rn 12 ds.

 Bowlby,  William b.  June 30,  1812 d.  Jan 21,  1891;  Mary Ann   Drake,  Rachel  dau  of  Phineas &  Catharine  d.  Mar 26,  1846
            ae 2 yrs 1  rn 22 ds.
 Bowlby b.  Aug 10,  1810 d.  July 30,  1895.

 Bowlby,  William d.  Feb 5,  1929 ae 80 yrs 2  ms 11 ds.   Ellwood,  Henry  son of  Rosanah & Jared  d.  Sept 17,  1857 ae
            5 yrs 4  ms 1  d.
 Bowlby,  William W.  son of  John  &  Caroline  d.  Aug 2,  1859
 ae 2 yrs 11  ms 5 ds.   Fassett,  Sam '1  M.  born in  Bennington,  Vt.  died Nov  3,  1834
            ae 49 yrs & 29 ds.
 (Bowlby]  "Infants of S.  &  S. B.  born &  died Mar 24,  1859."
         Fick,  Anthony d.  Sept 5,  1851  in the 56th yr of his age.
 Bowlby.  In  memory of an infant daughter  of Alexander & Julia
         Fick,  Julianna d.  Sept 29,  1857 in the 62nd yr of ber age.
 d.  July 5,  1850 aged 1 day.  [no name stated]
         Fox.  see Parsons.
 Bo.wlby.  A large stone with only the surname on it;  next to it
         Froud,  John  d.  Aug 3,  1908  in his  83rd yr;  his  wf  1\Iary A.
 lS  a grave marker inscribed "Father 1833 -1889."
           Arney d.  Feb 15,  1909 in her 81st yr.                                     ,.,   "-
 Branton,  Alfred  Martin  son  of  Henry  &  Hannah  d.  May 22,
 1866  ae 1 yr 10 ms  11 ds   Gambie,  Eliza Jane  dau  Moses &  Margaret  d.  Apr 1t,  11)t3
 Branton  George w   f  ·   ae 17 yrs  & 8 ms.
 1  '   ·  son o  Henry &  Hannah d  Dec  29  1862
 ae  yr 1 m 19ds.   ·   '   Gilbert,  Charles d.  May 15, 1906  in his 73rd yr: his ~f Lucy
 Branton.  Hannah wf  fR   d.  Mar 23,  1917 in ber 76th yr;  C.  Edgar Gilbert dted ~~~
 42nd yr of her a   obert Branton d.  Oct 25,  1872 in the   13,  1905  in  his  41st yr,  his wife  Ann Lyle  Nov  10,   8 1
 ge.   .
 Branton,  Maggie dau J  & S
           Jan 10,  1948.                                                      d  J  ra dau
 Branton,  Robert d  Ma.  29.  d.  Feb 15,  188[4 ?] ae [8 ?] ms.   5       7           1
        Gilbert,  David d.  June 2,  1882 ae 59 ys  r:: ~ 'S s~ m~  ds:
 Branton,  William Ed  y   ,  1874  in the  67thyr of his age.   2 1869                 14
 186   gar  son  of  R  b   David &  Luthera Gilbert d.  Feb  •             {      ae 1s ns
 5 ae 8 ms & 3 d   0   ert &  Hannah died Oct 1,   Ada Ann wife of Francis  PiLtman d.  Jan  2  5  879   "'  w
 Branton,  William J  hs.
 1864   o  nston son of  R  b   8  ms 22 ds.                          &        s
 ae 2 ms & [12  ?] d   0   9rt &  Hannah d.  Jan 1,   .     77 yrs  ·    5  11  •
 Brooks,  Hugh  ___   ·   s.   Gtlbert,  David d.  Mar 16,  1871 ae         Q  ...  . e S4  vs  &
                                                                               9  1
                                                         t d
       Gilbert.  Elsie wf of David Gilbcr  ·                   Oct   2:J  '   1"'1   •   •
 Clark,  Elizab  th  -[stone broken]
 e  Ann da  Ch
           6  ms.                                                  d  Apr  7,  1S63  ae S
 u   arles &Ann d.  March 8,  1849 ae   Gilbert,  Edwin  son  of Charles &  Lucy  ·
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