Page 9 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 9
NPI7 E"Ir.K'IS fmm lhe t 871 feder.lI census of Mon.real River Township. Nipi~"iin~ Distncl (Mlcmlilm #C I()O~:!.
Puhlic Archive~, Ollawa)
NP18 E"lracls from Ihe 1871 federal census of Timiskaminx Wn' Township. Nipls!oomg Dislrlc( (Microfilm
#Cl0022. Public Archive."i. Ottawa)
~P19 E"tracis from the 1871 federal census ()fTama~aminqueTown5hlp.Nipissin~ DIS1rlcll~icrotllm#CI001:!
Public Archives. Ouawa)
NFI IIhucn.ed Hlstorkal A'ias orthe Coun.y or Norfolk (Published by H.R Page & Co. Tnnmill. IX77)
NF2 True HISfOry or Sorne or 'he Pioneen or Colondo by Luella Shaw (Publi"ihed h~ W S. Cobum, Jnhn
PaHerson and A.K. Shaw. Hotchkiss. Color.ulo. U.S.A.• 19(9)
ON1 Illmtralnt Hisiorieai Allas or Ihe Counlin or Northumberland and Durham (Publlshel.l b~ H Selden &
Co.. Toronto. 1878)
ONTARIO COUNTY (ON) Sn also COli and OfYT code.!
ON 1 IlIu!i'rafed HJ!i'orit'1ll!i or the Counfy or On'ario (Puhli~hed b~ J. H BecT'\ & CIl, Tllf\\n1(I. 1X77)
OTTA \VA DISTRICT (sn Ca"'rtin or Prncoll ",rd Rrt.Helfi
ONT2 The Empire Law List 194911950 (Publi~hed by BUllerwonh & Co. IPublj~hero.) Lld . l.omJ.l)n. En~lanl.J.
ONn The Pioneen orOld Onlario by W L. Smith (Published by George N Mnrang. Tnmnlo. It.}~.')
ONT4 Grand River by Matlel Dunham (Published by McClelland and Stewart. Tonmttl. ]t.}J.cïl
ONT7 1beJesuit Martyrs orNor1h Arnrrica by John J. Wynne (Published hy lne Knn..,..let.ige FllunualltIO.
New York. 1925)
ONTH List orCanadian Patents rrom .he B~innin~orlhePa.ent Omee.June 1M2... 10 Ihe .lIs. of '-\U2USI. IK72
{Published by Maclean. Roger & Co.. Ollawa. 18R2l
ONT9 Champlain. The Ureol'Fortitude. by Moms Bishop (Published by Mocdor1all.J & Co.. Lnnt.Jon. En~lanl.J. l~t.}l
ONT!O Dlctlonary orCanadian BI~...phy (Vol. 1. 1000-1700 A.D.) Ediled hy George W. Brown (Published by
Univenity of Toronlo Press. Toronto. 19(6)
ONTII Repons of tlle Superinrendant of Educalion for Upper Canada (Publishcd in IM54. IX55. lX5fl anl.J IX5XI
ONT12 The Cen.ennlal of the SeUlemen. or Upper Canada by ch" United Empire Loyaiisis 1784 - IKS-I. (The
Celebrations al Adolphmtown. Toronto and Nlexera. wlth An Appendl:\ eon'ainin~ a copy or the
United Empire List. paese••nt in the Crown lAnds [)epairtmen' at Toronto 1Publishcd by Ro"iC Publl.,hlO!!
Company. Toronto. 1885)
ONTIJ 1be Bible ln Canede. by E,C Woodley (Published by J,M. Dent &. Sons (Canada) Limiled. Toronto. IQ5JI
ONTI4 1lIt' Canadlan Alm.nllle: and MisceUelWOWl Dlrectory ror tM Ynr 1916. Ediled by Arnold W Thnma~
1Publi,hed by the Cow-Clari< Company. Toronlo. 19151
ONT!5 The ReruKft': or'he Narrallves or FugitaYt'SI8Yt'!ln Cen" Releted by TMmM'lvt'! with An Account or
the Hl5lory and Conditions orthe Colored Population o(Uppt'I' Cenade. by Benjamin Drew (Published by
John. P. Jeweu and Company. Cleveland. Ohio. U.S.A .• 1856)
ONTI6 HlstorkOntario uOId Upper Canada". Compiled by fl1lnk fo~ <Publi"ihed by DlrectillO tlfBupll" Jt)hn'ltlll.
Prinler (0 Ille Queen's MOSI Excellent Majesty. Ouawo. n.d .• fOf' tilt' [)epartmem of Tr.l"el.:lOu Puhlll...'iIY 01 Ihe
Province of Onlariol
ONTI7 (.". ONT .II
ONT18 1lIt' Trail of the Black Walnut. by G. Elmon: Reamon (Published by MI.:Ckllanl.J & Sle\4art. Tc)mntt). 1t.}.cï71
ONT 19 A Narrallve or lhe RI.. & l'roll..... or EmlKrallon l'rom lhe Counl'" or Lana", and Renrrew 10 the Ne..
Settlements ln Upper Canada on Govemment Gnnt; romprisln~ lM Procftdinl[!il of lM GI..."~n~
Commillee ror DlrectlnK the AlTaln and Emharila'ion ol.he SOCIet.... Wllh a Map 01 the Town..hlps.
~lKft!Ii ror Cot~, and A Plan or Uw Shlp Eurl of 8uck;n~h(lm. AIso. Intert':!itin~ •..eUe" from 1he
SeUlernrnls. by Robe" Lamond. Secrel31'Y and A~nl (GlllS~OW. SCOIlanu. 1K:! Il
ONT20 1lIt' Brllhh Farmer's and Fann Laboul"tl'"s Gukle '0 Ontario••he Premier Province or Ihe Dominion nr
Canada. is.'iued by aUlhoriry of tilt' GovemlTlC'nl of Onlario (Toronlo. 18MO)