Page 10 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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ONT21 MarriuJ!:e Nnt:i~ o( Ontario. by William O. Reid (Puhl;shed hy Hunlerdnn Hoose. Lamhcn\ilk. N J .
                                   US.A. IQKOl
                            ONT22 Illu!'itrated Hi!'itorical Alla!'i o(lhe Countl~o(Stormonl. Dunda.."1 and GlenJjtarry. (Publl.. h~J hy H. Rcldctl
                                   & Co.. Townro, 1,1179.
                            ONT13 The Canada Herd Book: contatnlnR the Pedlll:ren o( Improved Shnn-Homed CaUle. (Vol. Il EUllè'U h~
                                   the Sl,.'Cretary of the A~ficullural and Ans A:o.sociation ofOntario (Puhlished hy lhe Olohe Prinlin~ Ctlrnpim~.
                                   Tomnln. lIn::!)
                            ()NT2~ The Canada Herd Book: contalnlna: Ihe Ped1a:reno(lmproved Shon-Homed CaUle. (Vol . .'\1. EUlh.'U h~
                                   the So.:mary o( the Agricultural and Arts As.c;ocia(lon of Ontario lPublished by A.A.A. of Oniallo. Tt",mlt). IX75.
                            ONT2S Loyal She Remain!'i (Published hy the United Empire Loyalist:o.· As~oci;lIion ofCan::uJ4I. Tt)rontn. llJX..l.l
                            ONT26 "Je.IO."up·S Ran~t:"~ as a factor  in Loyali", Scnlemcn'" by E. Rat:" Siewan l'rom Thrt"e' Hi.\:I..r.\-' The....',
                                   1Publi'ibcu unuef th..: auspices of The Onlmo Ixpartmenl of Public Recurds and An:.::hl\'e.., Torllnhl. Illh 1)
                            ONT27 BaUI. Royal, A Hi..ory orTho Royal or Canada 1862-/979. oy LI.-Co/. D J G<HHhl"'<U. CD
                                   (Puhli~hed hy the Royal Regiment of Canada AssocÎalÎnn. 19(2)
                            ONT29 The Canada, by The/ma ColemOJn rPublisncd by lhe Coun,y of Penh and CUlllnlin!! Puhh...hl,.'r...
                                   Str.JcÎnru. 1~7HI
                            ONT.Ja The Advanraa:eos ofEmi~rstion to Canadl. be'na: the Su~tanceo(Two Lectures. deli\-'errd sllhe Tu"n
                                   Hall, Colchester. and the Mechanics°lnslilution. Ipswich. by William Callermole fPuhli~hed r,~. s1IIIr\.. Iri
                                   and Marshô!J!. lOntJon, England. 18JJ)
                            ONT,]1 The sron o( the Talbot Seulement ISOJ.IUO, .-\ Fronlier Hislon o( Soulh"'·eostern Onrario. h.. \\',1"11<..'
                                   POidc1on tPuhli.;ht..·(j;Jr St Thoma~. /9751     •                     .
                            O"-JT,:U The Indian Chief: An Accounl o( the I.abours. l.osw:o., Sulrerinfi!.s. and Oppres.\:Îon of" E-Zl( ;.,,()-....
                                   NI-:-NF. (On·id Sa" ~:er) A Chiefof rbof OjihbofwlI.~ Indillns in Can..da Weo;f. My Erk:mlh·t.·~· (('  ",011 )(l'o<,.'fl  1
                                   lPuhlt,ht.'u;u 1.n11(ltlll. En~tantJ. IRb?)
                           OXFORD COUNTY fOX) Su alsn CD'" "nd ONT ('ode..
                            0:"< 1  lIIustraled Hisforical Atlas o( the Count.\' of O,rord (Published by Walj,;cf & Milc.,, Toron/n. pn/ll

                           PARRY SOUND DISTRICT SualInCDA and ONT codes
                            MPl    Guide Book & Allas or Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts 1879, ~ltlers' maps hy-COJplaln John R(\~cr ...
                                   drawinp h~ Seymour Penson (Published hy H.R. Pap.e & Co.. Toronto. IR7~1
                           PEEL COVNTY (Pt) Su ,,1.<0 CO", and ONT cade..
                            PL4    Directory of the Home DistriC1I8J7 (Cou",y of Peel extraclsl (Publisheu by George Walloll. Tnnlllln. \:< 1"7 1
                            PLS    Dif'e'(tory o( the County o( Peel for 1873-4. by John Lyoch (Publisheu al Brampton. '~7..l.1
                            PL6    8elfounrain Ind (he Tuheown Ploneen, by Mar~an::1 Whileside (Puhlishtd by (he BO"lon Milf:-. Pr..:.....
                                   Chellenham. 19751
                            PL7    Cook°s History o( William E. Cook {Published by the Boscon Mills PreS!I, Cht:llenham. 1~751

                           PERTH COUNTY (PT) SU ,,1.<0 COA and ONT code.'
                            PTI    IlIuslrated Historieal Atlas orThe Counly o( Prnh (Publishcd by H. Belden & Co.. TOnm((l. 11<74\

                           PETERBOROUGH COUNTY (PB) SU ,,1.lO COA "nd ONT l'Olle.
                            PB 1   The Peter Robinson Stttlem~nto( 1825, The Siory 01 the Irish Immill:ratM>n la the Cil,.· IInd Coul1l~· uf
                                   Peterborou~h.Ont.rlo. by Bill La Br.mche IPuhlished by Total Graphies. Pererborou~h. 1475)
                            PB2    Illustraied Hlstoriea) Atlas o( PeterborouRh County. 1825.. 1875. Edited hy A.C.O. Cole lPuhll..hl,.·u h~
                                   the Peterbomugh His.orical Alla., Foundafion. Peferbomu~h. 1975)

                           PR ESCOTf COUNTY (PC) SU "Iso COA "nd ONT code..
                            ONT22 The lIlu5frated Atlas of the Dominion of Canada (PreseOlt Supplement) (Publl~hed by H Beluc:n l<l. (0 .

                           PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY (PE) SU "I.'·n COA "nd ONT code.•
                            PE1    Ew",'1S fmm rh. 1851-1852 f..J.rn) c.nsu. of Princo Edward Counl" Microlîlm #C-I '7~O.
                                   Public Archl".',                                 .

                           PRINCE EDWARD DISTRICT (ue Prince Ed...ard Cmwv)
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