Page 95 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 95

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

 Surname   Maiden Name  Data
 GUENETTE   Regina   VESEAUX   Died April24, 1926 in Sudbury at 48 years 3 rnonths 8 days, born L'Orignal, Ont., occupation housewife.
 (Mrs.   residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date April 26. 1926. clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. Tanguay -
 Joseph)   ordered by Guénette, Eugbne - charged to Guenette, E. - of Coniston
 GUILBAULT   Armand   Died February 12, 1921 in Sudbury at 1 year 10 rnonths 16 days. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in
 Sudbury, funeral date February 14, 1921, clergy F. Carrière. physician W. C. Morrison - ordered by Guilbault.
 Georges - charged to Guilbault, G. -of Sudbury
 GUILMETTE   Pierre   Died March 1. 1919 in sud bu^ at 54 vears. born Elzear de Beauce. occuoation farmer. residence Verner.
 Iburied in ~erner, funeral date March i. 1919 - ordered by Mme Pierre ~uilrnette
 GUIMOND   IMarguerite  1   IDied July 16. 1943 in Parry Sound at 52 years 5 rnonths 5 days. born Montreal. occupation housewife,
 1   1   1   Iresidence Parrv Sound. b"ried in ~udbuiv. funeral date Julv 20. 1943. clerav F. ~eslauriers. ohvsician Dr
                                ,  .
                                                                     ..  ,
 I~euholrn ordéred by ~uirnond. Eugène - charged to Guirnond, E. - of ~  a  Sound
 GUISE   1 Baby   1   l~ied November 27.  1943 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date Decernber 20,
 1943 (?). physician Dr. McDonald - ordered by Guise. Robert  charged to ~uise; R. -of 494 Spruce
 GURlN   George   Died October 18. 1924 in Sudbury at 19 years, born Austria, occupation labourer, residence Mete 71 White
 Plant, buried in Sudbury. funeral date October 20.  1924, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. Burroughs - ordered by
 Gurin. Phillip - charged to Gurin, P. - of Copper Cliff
 GURRA   John   Died October 29, 1918 in Sudbury at 29 years, born Spain, occupation rnachinist. residence Sudbury, buried in
 Sudbury, funeral date October 30, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician Koljonen - ordered by J. Dignard -
 charged to J. Gurra
 GUSTIANO   M. Augusta   Died January 1, 1920 in Sudbury at 19 years, 19 months, 19 days, born Sault Ste Marie. Michigan, occupation
 resided at home, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date January 4, 1920. clergy F. Carrière,
 physician Dr. Morrison - ordered by Mr. Mulligan (lawyer) - charged to Anthony Gustiano - of 426 Burton St..
 GUTCHER   Merrill   Died September 11, 1923 in Sudbury at 9 years 4 months. born Sudbury, occupation student. residence
 Massey, buried in Massey, funeral date Septernber 23, 1923, physician Dr. Cook - ordered by Gutcher, John
 G. - charged to Gutcher. J. G. - of Massey
 HALVERSON   Marg   HEARON   Died Decernber 10. 1921 in Coniston at 39 years, born Wolf Lake. occupation housewife, residence Coniston,
 buried in Sudbury, funeral date Decernber 12, 1921. clergy F. Prirneau. physician Dr. Carneron - ordered by
 Halverson. Patrick - charged to Halverson, P. -of 119 Fifth Ave..  Coniston
 HAMEL   Arseme   Died October 22. 1918 in Sudbury at 17 years, born Ternpleton, P.Q., occupation labourer. residence Sudbury.
 buried in Sudbury. funeral date October 23. 1918. clergy F. Descoteaux, physician R. Patterson - ordered by
 lnhn Wilcnn

 lllegal to copy without permission -copyright 2004 Sudbury Dislricl Branch. Ontario Genealogical Society
 do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie SI. Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8  Att. Publicalcons Co-ordinator
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