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Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                      Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
                             Surname                               Maiden Name         Data
                             JANVEAU                Agnds (Mrs                         Died June 19, 1926 in Sudbury at 89 years, born Pt. Dagenais, occupation housewife. residence Sudbury.
                                                    Moise)                             buried in Hanmer. funeral date June 21, 1926, clergy F. Bruneau, physician Dr. Levesque - ordered by
                                                                                       Janveau, Napoléon - charged to Janveau, Nap. -of Hanmer
                             JANVEAU                Florence                           Died August 27, 1938 in Sudbury at 4 months 4 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Bumsh.
                                                                                       funeral date August 29. 1938, clergy F. Cbté, physician Dr. Williams - ordered by Janveau, Mr. - charged to
                                                                                       Janveau -of 442 St. Georges
                             JANVEAU                Moise (Mrs)    AGNES               Died June 19, 1926 in Sudbury at 89 years, born Pt. Dagenais, occupation housewife, residence Sudbury.
                                                                                       buried in Hanrner, funeral date June 21, 1926, clergy F. Bruneau. physician Dr. Levesque - ordered by
                                                                                       Janveau, Napoléon - charged to Janveau, Nap. -of Hanmer
                             JANVEAU                             O                     Died February 24, 1920, funeral date January 0, 1900 - ordered by Janveau. Ernile - of Capreol
                             JARVl                  Edward                             Died April27. 1918 in Sudbury at 30 years, born Finland, occupation labourer, residence Levack. buried in
                                                                                       Sudbury. funeral date April 30, 1918. clergy F. Descoteaux. physician Dr. Koljonen - ordered by hospital

                             JEAN                   Florent                            Died December 30, 1918 in Sudbury at age 17 yrr 5 mos, born Montreal, occupation farmer, residence
                                                                                       Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date December 31. 1918. clergy F. Descoteaux. physician W.  R. Paîîersoi
                                                                                       - ordered by J. S. Jean - charged to J. S. Jean
                              JEANVEAU              Amanda                             Died September 13. 1921 in Sudbury at 48 years 5 months, born Ripon, P.Q.. occupation housewife, residenc~
                                                                                       Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date September 15. 1921, clergy F. Primeau. physician J. R. Hurtibise -

                                                                                       ordered by Emery, Jos.  - charged to Emery. Jos. -of Sudbury
                              JEWELL                Eva M.          PILON              Died December 4. 1924 in Kalamazoo. Mich. at 27 years, born Sudbury. occupation housewife. residence
                                                                                       Kalamazoo, Mich., buried in Sudbury, funeral date Decernber 8, 1924. clergy F. Paré. physician Dr Fred
                                                                                       Andrews - ordered by Pilon, P. - charged to Jewell, J. - of Notre Dame
                              JODOUIN               Délia          SlNNETi             Died March 5.  1923 in Sudbury at 25 years 6 months, born Arnprior. Ont., occupation housewife, residence
                                                                                       Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date March 8.  1923. clergy F. Primeau, physician Dr. Torrington - ordered
                                                                                       by Jodouin. Eugéne - charged to Jodouin, E. -of Sudbury
                              JODOUIN               Dennis                             Died April 13, 1937 in Toronto at 68 years, born Mattawa, occupation retired miner, residence Port Colborne.
                                                                                       buried in Sudbury. funeral date April 15, 1937, clergy F. Lemay, physician Dr. Spooner - ordered by Jodouin, J
                                                                                       S. - charged to Jodouin, J.  S. -of Sudbury
                              JOHNSON               Baby                               Died August 15.1919 in Sudbury at baby. buried in Sudbury, funeral date August 17, 1919 - ordered by P. W.
                                                                                       Johnson -of Elm Street, Sudbury
                              JOKl                  Amelia                             Died October 22. 1918 in Sudbury at 32 years. born Finland, occupation housewife. residence Sudbury, buried
                                                                                       in Sudbury, funeral date October 23, 1918, physician H. Koljonen - ordered by Victor Joki
                              JOLY                   Baby                              Died October 3,1938 in Sudbury at 25 minutes. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                       date October 4,  1938, clergy F. Bisson, physician Dr. Cook - ordered by Joly. André - charged to Joly. A. -of

                                                                        lllegal Io copv without permission - copyriçnt 2004 SudDury Oislr cl Branch  Ontario Genea og cal Society
                                                                           cl0 SuDDury  Public Library. 74 Mackenzie SI  Sudoury. Oh  P3C 4x8  An  Publicaii~ns Co-crdlnaloi
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