Page 44 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 44

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

 Surname   Maiden Name  Data
 CHARBONNEAU  Rosa   Died October 10, 1924 in Sudbury at 22 years, born Jarnac. P.Q., residence Hanmer. buried in Hanmer,
 funeral date October 12, 1924. clergy F. Bruno. physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Charbonneau, E. -

 charged to Charbonneau, E. -of Hanmer
 CHARBONNEAU  Sylvio   Died Decernber 25,1941 in Sudbury at 8  months 23 days. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in
 Sudbury. funeral date December 26, 1941. clergy F. Gamache. physician Dr. Treify, lnco - ordered by
 Charbonneau, Armand - charged to Charbonneau. A. - of 200 Youville
 CHARBONNEAU  Valentine   LAROCHE   Died September 22, 1920 in Sudbury at 60 years, born Ste Anne des Plaines, occupation housewife, residenc~
 Sudbury. buried in Chelmsford, funeral date September 24. 1920, clergy F. CarriBre. physician Dr. Morrison -

 ordered by Charbonneau, J. B. - charged to Charbonneau. J.  B. -of Sudbury
 CHARBONNEAU  Victor J.   Died May 10. 1924 in Sudbury at 3 months. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date
 May 12, 1924, clergy F. Pare, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Charbonneau, T. (ME.)  - charged to
 1   I~harbonneau, Thomas -of Sudbury
 /Julienne   IDied Mav 27. 1938 in Sudbury at 71 vears 11 months 29 davs, born Au Bic. Québec. occupation housewife.
 1   1   1   Iresidence sud bu^. buried in 'Sudbu&. funeral date Mav 30.~1938. clerav Mar. CbtB.~hvsiiian Dr. ~esrnar~is
                           ,  .
                                            -,  "
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 Roland  1   lordered by Charette, Alp. - charged to Charette, Alp. -of 77 Louis
 I-IR   IDied March 25, 1924 in Sudbury at 10 months 27 days. born Sudbury. residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury,
 funeral date March 26.  1924, clérgy F. Paré, physician Dr. G. A.  en& - ordered by charette, J. - charged to
 Charette, John -of 430 Myle St.
 Died March 17, 1919 in Sudbury at 82 years, born Ottawa, Ontario. occupation farmer, residence Verner.
 buried in Sudbury, funeral date March 19, 1919 - ordered by David Charlebois - charged to David Charlebois -
 of Verner
 CHARLEBOIS   M. Loretta   Died September 24, 1936 in Garçon at 1 year 5 months 10 days, born Garson, residence Garson. buried in
 Garson. funeral date September 25, 1936, physician Dr. Kennedy - ordered by Charlebois. Amédée - charged
 to Charlebois, A. -of Garson
 CHARRETTE   Armenia   BRUNET   Died July 16, 1922 in Sudbury at 46 years. born St Jerome, P.Q., occupation housewife, residence Sudbury,
 buried in Sudbury, funeral date July 19, 1922. clergy F. Primeau, physician Dr. Torrington - ordered by
 Icharrette, William - charged to Charrette, W. -of Sudbury
 CHARRETTE   1 Emilia   1   (Died Seotember 11. 1919 in Chelmsford at31 vears. born Bic. P.Q.. occu~ation house-maid. residence
 1   1   1   Ichelms/ord, buriedin Chelmsford, funeral date-~eptember 13, 1919, clerdy F. CbtB, physician H. M. Torringto
 1   1-  ordered by Alp. Charrette - of Chelmsford
 CHARRETTE   1F.Xavier  1   IDied Aoril 19, 1923 in sud bu^ at 20 davs. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date
 1   1   1   l~pril20, 1923. clergy F. primeau. physkian Dr. Dixon -ordered by charrette, Patrice - charged to Charrette, P
 -of 431 Mabel Ave.
 CHARRETTE   Israël Mde   Died February-March 1920 in Burwash. funeral date January 0. 1900 - ordered by Racicot. Lionel - charged to
 Charrette, Israël -of Burwash

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