Page 41 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 41
; : " Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944 - -
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
lsurname 1 i~~~~~~ ~ame illata
CHAPUT D. (Mrs.) Died August 18, 1940 in Gogama at Unknown, occupation housewife, residence Gogama, buried in Gogama,
funeral date August 20. 1940, clergy F. Cournoyer -ordered by Chaput, D. - charged to Relief, District - of
l 1 SABOURIN (Sudbury -.
Died December 30, 1921 in Sudbury at 85 yean. born Rigaud, P.Q., occupation housewife, residence
Sudbuw. buried in Sudburv. funeral date Januaw 1. 1922. clerav F. Primeau. ohvsician Dr. O. Gorman -
.. .
. .
I lordered by Lauzon, ~azare charged to Lauzon. L. - of 453 Spruce, Sudbury
l~ied April 25, 1920 in Sudbury at 6 years, born Blezard Valley, occupation student, residence Blezard Valley,
buried in Blezard Valley, funeral date April27, 1920. clergy F. Astor. physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by
Charbonneau, J. F. - of Blezard Valley, Ontario
CHARBONNEAU Died February 6. 1936 in Sudbury at 87 yean 21 days. born Ste Rose de Laval. P.Q.. occupation retired
teacher, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date February 8, 1936, clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr.
Cook - ordered by Joly, Eugénie (Miss) - charged to Estate -of 69 112 Beech St.
CHARBONNEAU Died September 1, 1940 in Sudbury at 60 years, born Clarence Creek, Ont.. occupation housewife, residence
Hanmer, buried in Hanmer. funeral date September 3. 1940, clergy F. Charpentier, physician Dr. Laflamme -
ordered by Charbonneau. Jules - charged to Charbonneau. Rene, Orner. Wilfrid (sons) - of Hanmer
CHARBONNEAU Dominic SABOURIN Died December 30.1921 in Sudbury at 85 yean, born Rigaud, P.Q.. occupation housewife, residence
(Mrs.) Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date January 1. 1922, clergy F. Prirneau, physician Dr. O. Gorman -
ordered by Lauzon, Lazare - charged to Lauzon. L. -of 453 Spruce, Sudbury
CHARBONNEAU Donat Died October 12, 1936 in Hanmer at 40 years 7 months 2 days. born Riponne, P.Q.. occupation farmer,
residence Hanmer. buried in Hanmer, funeral date October 14, 1936. clergy F. Seguin, physician Dr. Laflamme
1- ordered by Charbonneau, Philippe - charged to Charbonneau, P. - of anm mer
w m o n d I~ied December4.1920 in Toronto at 39 vears. occuDation Doctor. residence Sudburv. buried in Sudburv.
1 1 1 lfuneral date ~ecernber 8, 1920, clergy ~.~~arri&e, physician A. ~.'~err- ordered by D;. J. R. Hurtibise - ' 1
lcharged Io Dr. E. Charbonneau - of Sudbury
1 l~ied Sevtember 3. 1939 in Sudbuw at 4 months. born Sudbuw. residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury. funeral
1 1 1 ldate seitember 4. 1939, clergy F. ~oallier, physician Dr. ~esiarais ordered by Charbonneau, Pat --charged 1
1 Ito Charbonneau, P. -of 124 Kathleen
CHARBONNEAU l~ean lDied March 25.1924 in Sudbuw at 6 yean. born Sudbury, occu~ation student. residence Sudbury. buried in
Sudbury, funeral date March 28. 1924, clergy F. Paré. physician'~r. Arcand - ordered by charbonneau, J. B.
JMrs.) - charged to Charbonneau, Mrs. -of Sudbury
Died March 31.1943 in Sudbury at 7 months, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury. buried in Hanmer, funeral
date April2. 1943. clergy F. ~oallier, physician Dr. ~orrin~ton -ordered by chaibonneau, O. - charged to
O. - of 369 Dell
lllegal to Copy wiihout permission - copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society
do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie SI.. Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8 Att Publications Co-ordinator