Page 207 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 207
Leclair Funeral Home Records 191 7 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Maiden Name Data
I~ilford 1 (~ied December 30, 1941 in Creighton at 50 minutes, born Creighton, residence Creighton. buried in Sudbury,
1 1 1 lfuneral date December 31. 1941;clergy F. Regan - ordered by Trelengberg, A. - chaiged to Trelengberg, A.- (
of Creighton
TREMBLAY Achille Died September 5, 1921 in Sudbury at 73 years, born Chicoutimi, P.Q.. occupation housewife. residence
Hervé (Mrs) Sudbury. buried in Sudbury. funeral date September 7, 1921. clergy F. Primeau, physician J. R. Hurtibise -
ordered by Tremblay, Charles - charged to Tremblay, C. -of Sudbury
TREMBLAY Antonia Died February 9, 1925 in St. Pâti at 31 years, born St. Hilarion, P.Q., residence Whitefish. buried in Whitefish,
funeral date February 12, 1925, clergy F. Gravelle - ordered by Tremblay, Onesime - charged to Tremblay, O.
of Whitefish
TREMBLAY Antonio Died August 16. 1922 in Sudbury at 19 years, bom Buckingham, occupation labourer, residence Noëlville.
buried in NoBlville, funeral date August 18, 1922, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Tremblay, Frank -
charged to Tremblay, F. -of Noelville. Ontario
TREMBLAY Baby Died Febniary 17, 1941 in Sudbury at 1 month 23 days, born Sudbury, residence Wahnapitae, buried in
Sudbury, funeral date February 18. 1941, clergy F. Comte, physician Dr. Schaeffer - ordered by Tremblay, J. -
lcharged to Tremblay - of Wahnapitae
TREMBLAY l~harles 1 IDied March 31. 1936 in Columbus. Ohio at 52 vears 1 month 11 davs, born Hull. P.Q.. occupation labourer.
1 1 1 Iresidence ~etrkit. buried in sudbu&, funeral date April6, 1936, derby F. ~ema~; phYiidan cor. Leach - 1
lordered by Tremblay, Jos. - charged to Tremblay, Jos. - of Garson Rd.
TREMBLAY (~eanne 1 IDied Mav 30. 1942 in Sudbury at 3 months 18 days, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, 4
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1 1 1 lfuneral date Mav 31. 1942. clérov F. Coallier. ~hviician Dr. ~ha~iert ordered bv ~rernblav. Rodolphe -. 1
.. .
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1 lcharged to Tremblay, R. - of 3E~abel
I d P a u l i n e (~ied October 2, 1938 in Sudbury at 6 days, born Sudbury, res~dence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date
1 l~lma 1 loctober 3, 1938, clergy F. ~oalier, physician Dr. ~c~onald ordered by ~rekbla~, charged to Tremblay, 1
1 1 R. - of 362 St. Georges
1 Patrick 1 IDied January 29, 1923 in Laforest Cmssing at 65 years, born Chicoutimi, P.Q.. occupation farmer. residence
1 1 1 i~arson, buried in Garson. funeral date ~anuary 31, 1923, clerav F. Cuillerier. phvsician Dr. Torrinaton - orderedl
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Iby Tremblay, P (Mrs) - charged to Tremblay, P. -of Garson
Virginie MARIO ON IDied July 4, 1925 in Sudbury at 66 years, bom Fort Coulonge, P.Q., occupation housewife, residence Sturgeon
(~rs. Falls and Sudbury, buried in Sturgeon Falls, funeral date July 16. 1925, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. ale'-
Joseph) ordered by Boyer. E. D. (Mrs.) - charged to Boyer, E. D. (Mrs.) -of 172 Pine
TROTTIER Anneite Died October 22, 1943 in Hanmer at 10 years. born Warren, occupation student, residence Hanmer, buried in
Hanmer, funeral date October 22, 1943. clergy F. Charpentier. physician Dr. Lacey - ordered by Labre, Adelard
- charged to Lâbre, A. -of Hanmer
lllegal to copy without pemlssion - copp gnt 2004 S~d~ury Dstrict Branch Ontai O Geneaiogica Society
do S.doury P-D c L Diary, 74 Mackenzie SI S~dbury, ON P3C 4x8 Atl P.Dlications Co.oid nator