Page 203 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 203

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                       Sudbury, Ontario, Canada                       -
                              Surname                               Maiden Name        Data
                              SYRJA                 Lauri                              Died October 15. 1918 in Sudbury at 32 years. born Finland, occupation labourer. buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                       date October 17, 1918. physician H. Koljonen - ordered by hospital - charged to hospital - of Sudbury

                              SZTONIK               Tony                                Died February4, 1918 in Sudbury at 40 years, born Galicia, occupation labourer, residence Little Current.
                                                                                        buried in Sudbury, funeral date February 9, 1918. clergy F. Descoteaux. physician H. Koljonen - ordered by T.
                                                                                        Sztonik - charged to J. Andrizezuk
                              TAGLlABRACll          Verino                              Died April20. 1922 in Capreol at 9 months, born Capreol, residence Capreol, buried in Sudbury, funeral date
                                                                                       April21, 1922, clergy F. Primeau, physician P. A. Leacy - ordered by Tagliabracii. N. - charged to Tagliabracii,
                                                                                        N. -of Capreol, Ont.
                              TALBOT                 Jules                              Died December 30, 1917 in Sudbury at 54 years, born Bouchette. occupation labourer. residence Sudbury.
                                                                                        buried in Sudbury, funeral date Januaty 2, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician W. J. Cook - ordered by
                                                                                        Talbot, J. - charged to Talbot, J. -of Sudbury
                              TALORRICO              Catherina                          Died October 25.  1918 in Sudbury at 36 years, born Italy, occupation housewife, residence Sudbury. buried in
                                                                                        Sudbury, funeral date October 26, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician J. A.  Dixon - ordered by Mrs.
                              TASS~                  Yvette                             Died February 9, 1921 in Sudbury at 6 years 2 rnonths, born Hanmer, occupation student, residence Sudbury,
                                                                                        buried in Sudbury. funeral date February 9.  1921. clergy F. Carrière. physician H. Koljonen - ordered by Tasse,
                                                                                        Pierre - charged to Tassé, P. - of Sudbury
                              TELAVI                 Orio                               Died August 31. 1917 in Sudbury at 4 months. born Worthington, ON. buried in Sudbury Catholic. funeral date
                                                                                        August 31.  1917, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician J. N. Dixon - charged to Telavi, Lary
                              TENNIER                Baby                               Died January 3, 1938 in Sudbury at 3 hours 30 minutes, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury.
                                                                                        funeral date January4. 1938, clergy Eng., physician Dr. Summers - ordered by Tennier, J. V. - charged to
                                                                                        Tennier, J. V. -of 25 Lisgar St.
                              TESSIER                Lionei                             Died September 21,1922 in Sudbury at 6 years, born Coniston, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                                                        date Septernber 23, 1922, clergy F. Primeau, physician Dr. Dixon - ordered by Tessier, Eli - charged to
                                                                                        Tessier. E. - of Sudbury
                              TESSIER                Marie                              Died Septernber 1, 1920 in Sault Ste Marie at 17 years. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury,
                                                     Jeanne                             funeral date Septernber 3, 1920, clergy F. CarriBre. physician Fleming - ordered by Tessier, Eli - charged to
                                                                                        Tessier. E. -of Larch St.. Sudbury
                              TETREAULT              Joseph                             Died March 22. 1941 in Appleby Twp. at 79 years 7 months 19 days, born St Cyprien de Napie~ille, P.Q.,
                                                                                        occupation retired, residence St. Charles, buried in St. Charles, funeral date March 25.  1941, clergy F. Seguin.
                                                                                        physician Dr. Laflamrne - ordered by Tetreault. Arnedee - charged to Tetreault, A. - of St. Charles

                              THAUVETTE                           O                     Died April ??. 1920, funeral date Januaty 0,  1900 - ordered by Thauvette. F. - charged to Brosseau, E. -of

                                                                         lllegal t0 copy without permission - copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society
                                                                            do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie St., Sudbury. ON. P3C 4x8  An. Publications Co-ordinator
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