Page 116 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 116
Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Surname Maiden Name Data
LAFRENIERE Baby Died May 3, 1939 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in NoBlville, funeral date
May 19, 1939, physician Dr. Poirier - ordered by Lafreniere. Osias - charged ta Lafreniere. O. - of Noelville
LAGACE Baby Died May 17, 1924 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date
May 19, 1924, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. Morrison - ordered by Lagace. B. - charged to Lagace. B. -of
LAGACÉ J. H. Died May 26, 1923 in Sudbury at 2 days. bom Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date
May 28, 1923. dergy F. Prirneau, physician Dr. Mulligan - ordered by Lagace, Ben - charged to Lagacé. B. - of
312 Murray
LAGACE John Died December 22,1935 in Sudbury at 63 yean 7 rnonths 7 days, born Newport, Gaspk, occupation farrner,
residence Wahnapiiae. buried in Sudbury, funeral date Decernber 24, 1935. clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr.
Desmarais - ordered by Lagacé, J. (Mrs.) - charged to Lagacé, John (Mn.) - of Wahnapitae
LAHAIE Baby Died Decernber 23, 1924 in Sudbury at Stillbom, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
date December 25. 1924. physician Dr. Kelly - ordered by Lahaie. Martin - charged to Lahaie. H. -of Sudbury
LAJOIE G. Died February 00. 1918 in Chelmsford. funeral date January 0. 1900 - ordered by Delphis Lajoie
LALANCETTE Marguerite Died November 12, 1918 in Sudbury at 35 years, born LacTalon, Ontario. occupation housewife, residence
Sudbury. buried in Sudbury. funeral date Novernber 13. 1918. clergy F. Descoteaux, physician J. R. Hurtibise -
ordered by Elzear Lalancette
LALANCETTE Mary Died March 25. 1925 in Sudbury at Stillborn, born McKirn, residence McKirn, buried in Sudbury. funeral date
March 26, 1925. clergy F. Pare, physician J. R. Hurtibise - ordered by Lalancette, E. - charged to Lalancette E. -
of McKirn
LALANDE Béatrice Died February 1, 1918 in Sudbury at 3 yean, 9 months, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbuiy,
funeral date February 1, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician W. J. Howey - ordered by Lalande. J. - charged
to Lalande, J. -of Sudbury
LALANDE Edgar Died November 18, 1923 in Sudbury at 15 yean, born Sault Ste Marie, occupation student, residence Windsor,
buried in Windsor. funeral date Shipped November 18. 1923, clergy F. Carrière, physician J. R. Hurtibise -
ordered by College S. Coeur - charged to Lalande, Frédéric - of Hotel Wyandott, Windsor. Ont.
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do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie St . Sudbury. ON. P3C 4x8 Atl Publications Co-ordinator