Page 112 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 112
Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
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Surname Maiden Name Data
LACROIX Mo.ise Died March 12, 1936 in Sudbury at 37 yean 10 rnonths 5 days, born Verner, occupation cage tender.
residence Sudburv. buried in Sudburv. funeral date March 14. 1936. clerav F. Lemav. ohvsician Dr. Kirk -
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lordered by Lacroix, Moïse (Mrs.) - charged to Lacroix. M. (MA.) -of 361 Donovan
Bigwood. buried in Coniston, funeral date Novernber 29, 1921. clergy F. Primeau, physician H. Koljonen -
ordered by Gravelle, Louis - charged to Laderoute. A. -of Biqwood
LADOUCEUR Baby Died March 15, 1941 in Sudbury at 2 hous. born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date
March 18. 1941. physician Dr. Poirier - ordered by Ladouceur. Lionel - charged to Ladouceur, L. -of Levack
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LADOUCEUR Cleophas Died July 8.1920 in Sudbury at 1 year 9 months. born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
date July 10, 1920, clergy F. Carriére. physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by Ladouceur, Fred- charged to
I~adouceur. F. - of Sudbury
LAFLEUR ILaurent 1 l~ied March 27. 1921 in Sudbuw at 62 vears. born Bourqet. P.Q.. occupation labourer, residence Sudbuw.
1 1 1 lburied in Hanmer. funeral date ori il 1. i921. clerov F. Carribre. ohvsician W. J. Cook - ordered bv ~afleir. T. - 1
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1 lcharged to ~afleu;. T. -of ~ellwobd. ont.
LAFLEUR l~ose 1 l~ied June 12.1942 in Sudbury at 49 years, born Uiier Lake, P.Q., occupation housewife, residence Sudbuiy,
buried in Sudbury, funeral date June 15, 1942, clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr. Polack - ordered by Lafleur.
Léandre - charged to Lafleur. L. -of 660 Garson Rd.
LAFLEUR Thomas Died February 11, 1941 in Longhrin Twp. at 53 years 7 rnonths. born Utter Lake, P.Q., occupation farmer,
residence Longhrin Twp., buried in Hanmer, funeral date February 14. 1941, clergy F. Charpentier, physician
Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Lafleur, Aurèle & Ernile - charged to Lafleur, A. 8 E. - of Markstay
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LAFOND Baby Died January 12, 1918 in Sudbury at Stillborn. born Sudbury, residence Wornen River, buried in Sudbury.
funeral date January 14, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician W. Mulligan - ordered by Lafond, Donat -
1 1 (charged to Lafond, D. - of Wornen River
LAFONTAINE i~oseoh IDied Februa~ 8. 1943 in Blezard Vallev at 79 vean 5 months 24 davs. born Clarence Creek. Ont.. occuoation
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farmer, residénci Blezard Valley. buriéd in ~lezard Valley. funeral date February 11, 1943, ciergy F. ~ufresne,
physician Dr. Tanguay - ordered by Lafontaine, Eugéne - charged to Lafontaine, E. - of Blezard Valley
LAFORCE Jos. Died January 28, 1918 in Sudbury at 45 years, born Oka. occupation miner, residence Nickelton. buried in
Sudbuiy, funeral date March 13.1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician W. J. Cook - ordered by Sudbury -
1 lcharged to McKirn Council - of Sudbury 1
LAFOREST (Louis (Died December 26, 1921 in Sudburv at 60 vears. born St Scholastique, occupation retired lurnberman.
residence Sudbury, buried in ~udbuh, funéral date Decernber 29, 1.921. clerby F. Prirneau, physician Dr.
Morrison - ordered by Laforest, L (Mrs ) - charged to Laforest, L. - of Sudbury
lllegal Io copy without permission - cnpirignt 2004 Su0b.w D,siric( Brancr Ontar O Genealoq cal Soc.ely
CO Sudbjw P~biic L brafy 74 Mackenzie St S-0b.w ON P3C 4x8 AU Pubiîalicns Co-oroinalor