Page 10 - Genealogy French Families Détroit River Revision 1701-1936 - Vol. 1
P. 10
iii. mry Ann b 11 Jul bp 20 Nor 1803
iv. Angelica b 3 Jan bp 20 Apr 1806
v. Elisrbeth b 4 mr bp 10 Jul 1808 bur 26 Jun 1809 Detroit
JOHN~MCVAY aoldier in the 37th Regiment of the British troop. m ANN BmKY
i. Honoriua2 b 6 Apr 1815 Burlington Upper Canada
HENRY~UCMY m before a civil rmgiatrate to BLISABETH BURLUWK
Children bp Detroit:
i. hum$ b 4 Oct 1814 bp 11 Fab 1819
ii. Id. Deborah b 25 mv 1818 br, 11 Fab 1819
Fr~cia Idachablly and Jane Francell Tournon who r parish of Burgis
diocese of Besllncon Franche-Caot6, France c- to Canand. and m 9 Jan
1758 Longue Pointe CATHERINE S m dit LEONARD, b there 23 Oct 1731 d
before 1769 dau of Louis Simcn dit Leonard and mry Beique. Peter
Francia wall a soldier in the reehnt of Guvenne
2 i. .John ~aptist2 b 27 Oct 1758
JOHN BAPTIST MRCWmAY dit IxJEmESSE(Peter Francial) b 27 Oct 1758 Longue
Pointe bur 1 mr 1821 Assumption Sandwich n lat FRANCES ETHIER, of Ste
Rose Illla J6-us d before 1794, m 2nd 27 Nor 1794 Asaqtion lWRY TERESA
P& b 18 Jun 1773 Detroit son of John Baptist Par6 and Hsry France.
Children by mry Tereaa Pard:
i. veronica3 b 2 Nov 1800 Assrrmption Sandwich bur there 13 nar
1821 m there 2 Fab 1818 Th-s Bondv. b there 20 SeD 1794 son
of Gabriel Bondy and Archange ~ageoi'
WLSPARD~HACHRLS b 1775 France bur 12 Oct 1832 Detroit m AGNES COW.
They r pariah of Ste Barbe diocese of Nancv Alsace, France
Chiidre; :
i. peter2 b 1814 France &grated to America cane to Detroit in
1832 where he m 17 Nor 1835 Gertmde Greuael. b nav 1813
parish of 6t 6ebasti.n dioceae of Spiers viliage o?
Blieskastel province of F5vdinpfalr in unish, Bavaria d 16
Dec 1894 Detroit dau of Nicolas Greusel and mrgaret
zimaennan. Gertrude c- to Detroit OEt 1835. Peter was
living in 1896 and was a shoemaker
BENJAMIN~HACLEAN m bv a civil mamistrate to m Y UCCARTNEY
i. ~ohn~ 21 Apr 1819 Detroit
JoHN~MAcOMB m JlN GORDON John ia the progenitor of the nacomb family in
Detroit. Mnotations in the family Bible of General Alexander mcomb,
grandson of John, atate: "His Irish forefathers resided at the family
seat at Dunturky, in the parish of Ballynure County Antrim,
Ireland" ... John Hscomb cane to America in the year 1755 and settled in
Albany, New York. They wved to Detroit in 1772. "The History of
Westcheater county, W": says: "This family (-comb) is descended from
the nac Coombiea of Scotland, an ancient and honorable stock who
emigrated from that country to Ireland."
Children :
i. Anne2 b Dunturky parish of Ballynure County Antrim, Ireland m
1.t C01. Francis von Pfister, b 1744 killed 1777 in the
Battle of Bennington during the war of the American
Revolution, m 2nd 1782 Cam. Th-s Bennett in service of the
British a&
2 ii. Alexander b 27 Jul 1748
3 iii. William b 1751
ALEXLNDER~MACOHB(JO~~~) Jul 1148 Dunturky pariah of Ballynure County
Antrim, Ireland d 19 Jan 1831 Georgetown, D.C. came with his parent to
America, settled at Albany and came to Detroit in 1712 m 1st 4 my 1773
lWRY CATHERINE NAVARR&, b 12 Apr 1757 Detroit d 17 Nor 1789 NY dsu of
Robert Navarre and nary Lootman dit Barrois, m 2nd 11 Jul 1791 JANE
lm5SnALL widow of John Peter Rucker. Alexander left Detroit with his